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Study Highlights New Trends in Employee Awards – Gift Cards Favored!

Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and the
Incentive Federation recently published a study that highlights gift cards as an employee reward preference over cash rewards. The study about incentive awards recognizes non-cash incentives as a way to control spending, while motivating employees and channel partners. The preliminary results of the study point out that employee cash incentive awards are averaging $732.00, which is triple the cost of non-cash awards. “The study validates our experience and belief that the average cost of a cash award is roughly triple that of either merchandise ($206) or gift cards ($240),” according to Incentive Federation Chairman Stephen Slagle.  “The total cost of incentives is especially important in our post-recession economy, so the data points stimulated extensive discussion around the benefits of each award type,” he explained. To read more about this study, visit
IMA’s Return On Performance. Check back with us regularly; we’ll publish a link to the full study results once they are available.

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GiftCard Partners is Published in Working Mother Magazine Online

I recently posted a response and opposing side to a story called “The Myth of Work Life Balance”, which stated that there was no such thing as this balance, that this idea is a pathetic chase and unattainable. Of course, I scathed out my side, practically offended that a woman would advocate “giving up” our journey to work-life balance; it doesn’t exist. Honestly, I’ve felt a bit unsettled that my attempt at debunking this myth was just one mom’s personal story and perspective and not representative enough of others’ truths. However, my company meeting gives us proof otherwise.

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Top Reasons why to use gift cards for incentives

Incentives as a way to boost employee morale, motivation and performance is nothing new, but let’s look at 5 perspectives for why to consider gift cards as incentives. Gift cards are as close as you’ll find for a one-size-fits-all incentive. They truly satisfy all demographics, interests, needs and lifestyles and offer much flexibility for the buyer. 1. Employees want gift cards. According to a recent study by Incentives Magazine, 8 out of 10 employees report that they prefer gift cards over other incentives. 2. Gift cards provide choice. Choice not just in what your recipient selects, but you often have choices in how you give them: eCert, mCert (mobile delivery) or plastic 3. Gift cards can be shared with family and friends. A night out with loved ones of friends has been cut back as discretionary spending, revive the night out with gift cards. 4. Gift cards can fit many corporate needs. Bulk gift card purchases provide cost savings and fit a variety of business scenarios can provide additional cost savings. Use for employee incentives & retention and use as rewards in corporate health & wellness programs, consumer promotions, customer promotions & loyalty, and/or as dealer and reseller awards. Source for list: Ceridian Connection.

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Improving Employee Health & Increasing Performance

In today's competitive workplace, the performance of employees is crucial for the success of any organization. However, what if I told you that one of the reasons for underperformance could be related to the physical or mental health of employees?

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Ramping Up Employee Engagement: Gamification in the Workplace

In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, gamification is gaining traction as a powerful tool to engage employees in incentive programs. Gamification leverages game-like elements—such as rewards, challenges, and competition—to motivate and reward employees for achieving goals, learning new skills, or engaging in health and wellness initiatives. According to recent data, gamification is expected to grow significantly, with the global market projected to reach $30.7 billion by 2025, driven by its effectiveness in improving employee performance, motivation, and engagement .

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