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Shop Gift Cards

Boost Educational Outcomes

Encourage academic achievement and engagement for underprivileged populations with gift cards.

Gift card incentives can help in these key areas: 

non profits and charity Supplement Necessities

Addressing SDoH Population

Address SDoH, and providing students with gift cards for transportation or food, incentivizing attendance and engagement in academic programs.

non profits and charity Economic Conditions

Academic Achievements

Reward disadvantaged students for academic excellence, encourage program participation & engagement by supporting their drive for career growth and success.

Employee Incentives1

Teacher and Staff Motivation

Reward teachers and staff for exceptional performance and motivate them to pursue additional professional development opportunities that align with your organization's goals.

Sweepstakes & Contest Prizes- Gift Card Partners

Access to Resources

Underprivileged students may face barriers to accessing educational resources. Provide access to these resources by offering gift cards for book purchases, technology rentals, or tutoring services. 

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How Non-Profits & Educational Institutions Use Gift Cards

See how education-focused organizations can leverage gift card incentives to incentivize students, teachers, and employees.

Addressing SDoH Population

Addressing SDoH Population

Addressing the needs of students affected by social determinants of health involves providing gift cards for transportation or food. These gift cards incentivize attendance and engagement in academic programs, supporting students in overcoming barriers and ensuring their access to education.

Academic Achievements

Academic Achievements

Educational institutions reward students' academic achievements with gift cards from brands like Apple, Google Play, and Microsoft Office 365. These rewards recognize their hard work and motivate them to continue excelling academically, fostering a culture of excellence and achievement.

Teacher and Staff Motivation

Teacher and Staff Motivation

In the education industry, gift cards from brands like Starbucks, specialty retailers, or spa centers and services are used to motivate teachers and staff. Teacher incentives recognize their exceptional performance and dedication to student success, encouraging them to maintain their enthusiasm for teaching.

Access to Resources

Access to Resources

To support underprivileged students in accessing educational resources, Barnes & Noble , Amazon and Visa® Reward Card are provided by Non-Profits. These brands empower students to purchase textbooks, access necessary technology, or seek additional academic support, ensuring their success.

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Buy Bulk Gift Cards with Engage2Reward™ PlatformGift_Card_Partners_Services_Icon__8___1_-removebg-preview

GiftCard Partners works closely with organizations to identify and match the best gift card incentives for employee appreciation, engagement, motivation, health and retention. Our Engage2Reward™ Platform offers a simple and secure way for organizations to order gift cards in bulk and select the right brands that encourage healthier habits and support the goals of specific programs. Educational gift cards offer:

  • Memorability: Offer a memorable experience that's often shared with family and friends.
  • Something for Everyone: Appeal to a diverse audience by offering choice from a catalog of brands.
  • Convenience: Place bulk gift card orders on any device and conveniently ship, email or text your selections directly to the end recipient.
  • Instant Gratification: eGift cards are available with instant delivery.

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