The Importance Of Providing Consumers With Choice
Today, consumers want the ability to choose, be it the wireless device they use for work and play, the self-selection of digital or traditional shopping channels and options, or the ability to choose among different gift cards in loyalty and incentive programs.
Continue reading to learn more about what the experts have to say about:
- The transition to digital
- The importance of incentive choice
A huge challenge is differentiation. Most programs look very similar to their competitors and even to programs in other verticals."
Barry Kirk
Solution vice president of loyalty strategy, Maritz Motivation Solutions
Earning points builds engagement, redeeming points creates an additional positive experience. Therefore, it’s important to make sure your rewards selection is attractive to your customers. A way to do this is to provide gift cards to popular merchants where your customers like to shop.”
Erin Raese
COO and editor-in-chief for loyalty management, Loyalty360