2 Crucial Questions to Answer for Your Wellness Program's Success
Popularity of workplace wellness programs is on the rise. Companies are encouraging healthy behaviors both in and out of the office to protect employees and customers from illness, and also as a way to reduce health care cost over time.
Taking Preventive Measures Against Diabetes in Your Wellness Program
Preventing diabetes among your workforce may help raise your profit margins and decrease the absentee rates among your employees. Implementing a wellness program centered around diabetes prevention and care is a great way to engage employees in their own health and wellness.
Modeling Corporate Wellness Programs for Success
Corporate wellness programs can be a useful tool to reduce healthcare costs for both companies and their employees. Setting corporate wellness programs up for success allows both parties to experience the return on investment.
3 Reasons Incentives Are the Answer for Your Wellness Program
As younger generations enter the workforce and regulations surrounding health and wellness programs continue to evolve, there’s a lot to consider when developing your own program. Today, more companies choose to use incentives to engage employees and reward them for healthy behavior.
3 Employee Well-Being Sessions to Check Out at EHBC17
With more than 150 speakers lined up for the 2017 Employer Healthcare and Benefits Congress (EHBC), attendees can choose from many sessions that take a holistic approach to employee well-being.