Free Guide: How to Create Health & Wellness Programs That Lower Healthcare Costs
Chronic diseases cost healthcare providers and employers $36 billion annually. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to combat the risk chronic disease poses on patients and employees. Avoid high healthcare premiums and low productivity due to chronic illnesses by downloading our free guide.
How to Keep Employees Healthy Over the Winter Months
Winter is here, which means seasonal illnesses will begin to surface. For employers, keeping healthy employees is paramount to reduce absenteeism and keep healthcare costs down. When employees call in sick, it can be very costly due to reduced productivity and increased employer healthcare costs. Especially this year, with the ever-present threat of COVID-19, staying healthy and putting preventative practices in place is vital to avoiding illness.
The Most Effective COVID-19 Vaccination Incentives for Employees
COVID-19 has taken millions of lives worldwide and continues to be a huge threat. Thankfully with the vaccine rollout ramping up across the nation, we can expect the number of deaths and hospitalizations to slow down. Getting everyone vaccinated is important in moving towards herd immunity.
How to Manage Remote Worker Stress with Wellness Incentive Programs
The debate over office vs. dispersed workforce is a hot topic for any industry that can support a permanent remote workforce. Many companies are deciding to keep remote workers due to the effectiveness in productivity as well as reduced costs. Others are turning to a hybrid model, mixing in-person work days (that are either mandatory or at the discretion of individuals or teams) with remote office days. While working from anywhere has benefits for both employers and employees, it also represents a huge shift in how Americans work. That shift happened in an instant at the beginning of the pandemic as a matter of necessity and now companies are more carefully considering how they want their employees to work.
How Financial Wellness Incentives Can Reduce Employee Stress in The Workplace
Personal finance is ranked as a leading cause of employee stress in the United States each year. Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners found that nearly 50% of U.S. employees suffer from financial stress and The American Psychological Association conducted a study that concluded 72% of Americans have stressed over money at least once in the past month.