B2B Gift Card Incentives Defined
We’re finding that people are still questioning why companies across the U.S. are spending $22.7 BILLION
1 on gift cards and what this segment of the B2B gift card market is all about. AND we’re also finding that corporations and companies of all sizes are STILL surprised to learn that there are savings to be had on gift card incentive BULK purchases for motivation, incentives, and rewards. Why are 52% of U.S. businesses using gift cards to recognize and reward employees, sales folk, partners and customers.
2 Check out GCP’s new Customers and their Programs page on our website for
B2B Gift Card Incentives Defined. Want to dig deeper into how gift cards are utilized in the workplace to motivate, incent, and reward? Download our
Incentives in the Workplace eBook. 1 & 2 Source: IRF Market Study: B2B Gift Cards
Preparing for Your Small Business' 2013 Health and Wellness Program
As we head into 2013 and employees commit to their New Year's Resolutions to quit smoking, lose weight, or generally live healthier lives it is the perfect time for your small business to implement a health and wellness program. Here are a few tips on starting the year off right for your business and your employees.
How to Promote Employee Breaks in Your Workplace
As we navigate through 2024, it's essential to reflect not only on meeting business goals but also on promoting employee well-being. The correlation between employee wellness and company performance has never been clearer. Encouraging regular breaks can significantly enhance employee satisfaction, efficiency, and overall productivity, ultimately boosting profits.
Is Management Committed to Company Safety?
It may sound like an obvious thing to say…”that management needs to be committed to their safety program for it to work”. But, all too often safety programs feel like a pretense to employees and this sets the stage for safety behavior. Real world experiences with safety programs and safety incentives tell us that this is happening all the time. The act of selecting which incentives and rewards will be offered sets the tone for your program. Will you expect employees to feel rewarded for fewer accident reports with a “super-star” coffee mug, or other trinkets? Cash is appreciated and remembered, but you won’t receive discount on cash rewards. Gift Cards are the perfect incentive for safety and corporate rewards and business incentive programs, as discounts are achieved for volume orders. Companies like
GiftCard Partners offer only volume orders and discounts on top gift card brands like
Speedway (Gasoline),
The Cheesecake Factory,
Boston Market,
AutoZone and
many more.
Health and Wellness for Family Caregivers
60% of family caregivers in America are employed. 66% of those employed caregivers have to make some adjustments to their work-life to take care of their family obligations. 20% of those caregivers need to take a leave of absence to balance their responsibilities.