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Shop Gift Cards

How Home Depot Gift Cards Help Grow Your Builder Business

If you're a home builder striving to find ways to reach new customers, we recently provided three ways you can grow your business using Home Depot® gift cards.

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How To Ensure Success In Employee Health & Safety Programs

Employee health and safety programs can be a critical component to benefits and also mitigating worker’s compensation claims. 

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Can Home Depot Gift Cards Spark Your Builder Business?

Developing a successful long-term home builder business requires a great deal of experimentation and patience, and there are several approaches you can take to support this cause by using Home Depot® gift cards.

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Increase Workplace Safety With Incentives

Everyday more than 13,000 workplace accidents occur. Safety incentive programs can be powerful tools for employers to get employees to take safety procedures and protocols seriously and to integrate them into their work routines.

Here are some of the reasons that leveraging the power of incentives can help you minimize the number of accidents and maximize workplace safety.

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Employee Safety Efforts Linked to Wellness

Most often when we think about employee safety, we may think of hard hats, reflective clothing, and safety goggles. We don’t necessarily think about treadmills, softball teams, and lunchtime run/walk groups. But the reality is, they are inextricably linked.

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