Humanizing Beacon Technology to Improve Consumer Experience
Beacon technology has the potential to change the way we all shop. However, there is a "creepy" factor to knowing that stores are tracking your movements around their retail locations. So, some retailers are mixing a human element into beacon technology, and the results are surprisingly pleasant. Some retailers testing out beacons with messaging in either a native app or push messaging are using their employees as part of the beacon experience. Training employees on the beacon messaging and positioning employees in critical areas of the store allows employees to gain extra responsibility while improving the customer experience and removing the intrusive factor that beacons can present. Employee training on cutting edge technology provides professional development opportunities for your workforce and a unique chance for growth in the critical customer service area of your business. Offering small incentives like gift cards to employees who volunteer to step up and receive the training and take on extra responsibility is a great way to reinforce innovation at your organization. Think of beaconing as an opportunity to advance your workforce as well as advancing the technology in your stores. Head over to
MediaPost for more information.
Importance & Examples of Creativity in the Workplace
Encouraging creativity among employees is vital for fostering innovation and driving organizational growth. When employees have the opportunity to express their creativity, it not only enhances individual development but also contributes to a dynamic and vibrant company culture. In this article, we'll explore the importance of employee creativity and provide practical strategies for promoting and harnessing creative potential in the workplace.
Encouraging Employee Initiative in the Workplace
Encouraging employee initiative goes beyond mere leadership; it means creating an environment where proactive behaviors are acknowledged and rewarded, benefiting both the individual and the organization. Empowering employees to take action and contribute actively not only enhances productivity but also nurtures a culture of innovation and growth. Here's a comprehensive approach to cultivate a culture of employee initiative and empowerment within your organization.
Employee Leadership in 3 Easy Steps
Employee leadership is critical to maintaining employee morale and motivating employees toward organizational goals. Here are three tips to ensure you lead your employees effectively.
4 Ways to Effective Employee Leadership
Effective employee leadership can be difficult for any management team, and leadership tactics can vary greatly based on the size of your organization and your company culture. However, some principles of effective employee leadership can be universal and really speak to the way you handle your organizational affairs from the perspective of your employees. Here are four tips to instill employee confidence through effective employee leadership.