3 Tips for Low Cost Employee Retention
Retaining employees and creating a community with a loyal dedicated workforce doesn't have to be expensive. Optimizing your rewards budget, and leveraging non-monetary employee recognition can help you achieve these goals without breaking your budget. Here are 3 effective tips for retaining satisfied and devoted workforce for less.
How to Help Employees’ Families for the Holidays
Damaging storms, tight finances as we approach the holidays, and stressful political and economic times…what can we do to ease the burdens? Although it’s not always possible to give holiday bonuses during the tough times, there are less expensive things we can do to help our employees’ families. When offering cash bonuses, it’s difficult to decide if the dollar amount hits the spot for the employee. However, a gift card for a full family meal or 2 at
Boston Market, will hit the spot. Research tells us that 61% of employees would be satisfied with a $25 gift card, and 88% of employees would be satisfied with a gift
5 Tips for Motivating A Virtual Workforce
Virtual workforces, like the atmosphere we share at GiftCard Partners, are becoming more and more common as we can work together and share projects through digital channels. However, virtual workforces need alternate forms of employee engagement and motivation. Fostering team camaraderie and sharing common goals requires innovative solutions from organizational management. Here are 5 ways to motivate your virtual workforce, from an employee of a virtual company who couldn't help writing about such a relevant topic!
3 Quick Tips for Keeping Employees Happy
Many companies are working to raise retention rates and employee loyalty. There are a few easy ways to keep employees happy, productive, and loyal within your organization. The full compensation package given to employees has to be fair and has to show employees that as they give more time to their organization, their employer will scale their compensation, both financial and non-financial, and show dedication to them. Here are 3 easy tips for keeping your employees happy and content in their positions.
Webinar: How to Incentivize Employees to Engage in Healthy Behavior
CVS & GCP webinar: Healthcare Reform’s Impact on Wellness - How to Incentivize Employees to Engage in Healthy Behavior with Jonathan Edelheit, Editor in Chief of Benefits Live Magazine, incorporating National Healthcare Reform Magazine, Vanessa Cullerton, Senior Manager of Employee Wellness for The Hillshire Brands Company, Stacey Nelson, Manager of Health and Welfare for Sprint, and Edward Shulkin, President of Gift Card Partners, Inc.