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Shop Gift Cards

The All Payments Expo: Where Great Minds Come Together

The All Payments Expo
(APEX) is already in full swing this morning in Las Vegas and the GiftCard Partners team is looking forward to taking part in the discussions, collaboration, and merging of minds throughout the payments industry this week. The APEX allows a forum for Alternative Financial Services, Emerging Payments, Omnichannel Retail Strategies and Prepaid to come together to focus on areas of growth and convergence in payments. GCP was excited about the opportunity to sponsor a unique luncheon and joint session between
Retail Gift Card Association (RGCA) and
Incentive Gift Card Council (IGCC), of which we are members of both. The IGCC
stated, “Both associations share goals in promoting best practices and helping the industry grow and believe collaborating on the topic of B2B will create a powerful learning opportunity and one that will eliminate redundancy and streamline our message between groups.” Let the collaborations begin!

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The Rise of Digital Gift Cards in Employee Engagement Programs

Gift card trends are rapidly evolving, with digital gift cards leading the charge. As technology reshapes consumer behavior, businesses and employers are adapting to offer more convenient, flexible solutions for rewards and recognition. Let’s explore how digital gift cards have become a cornerstone of modern employee engagement strategies.

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Driving Employee Motivation Without Cash

Motivating Chain-Store Employees

With much attention being brought to minimum wage workers across the country it is important to recognize other ways to motivate and reward your front-line employees besides handing out cash bonuses. There are ways to improve compensation outside of traditional raises and bonuses that can be equally helpful to employees. It is critical to invest in front-line employees because they are the embodiment of your brand to consumers shopping in the store. A bad interaction with a store employee and you can lose a customer's business. However, when your employees are happy and motivated, consumers tend to have more positive interactions which can lead to upsell and higher potential spending. Motivating chain store employees through public recognition for a job well done at daily, weekly or monthly staff meetings are a great way to reward exemplary employees, and show other employees what kind of behavior management is looking for. Using spot rewards to give employees rewards for above-and-beyond behavior in real time. Small denomination gift cards make great spot rewards. They carry a fixed cost for employers and are helpful to employees by giving them an opportunity to treat themselves and their families to a nice meal at popular restaurants like
The Cheesecake Factory and 
Boston Market. Giving employees a luxury they may not be able to afford themselves is a great way to say thank you to the individuals who control your customers' experience with your brand.
For more information on how to motivate chain-store employees check out this article from Retail Wire.

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Motivating Your Channel Reps

Relationships with channel reps and resellers can be tricky. You are giving them the power to control your message and brand when you aren't around, and while they are doing the same for other brands at the same time. Here are a few tips to ensure you motivate channel reps to represent your brand and drive revenue.

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