Quick Guide to Speedway Gift Cards
At GiftCard Partners, one of the nation's largest developers of corporate gift card programs, we form deep rooted partnerships with our clients to help them build robust loyalty, reward or incentive programs. We offer gift cards to many of the country's leading brands, including Speedway. Speedway is the fourth largest gas station chain in the country, operating over 1,400 different stores. But Speedway offers more than gas. With a whole chain of convenience stores connected to the fuel stations, Speedway sells everything from snacks to important, everyday buys. Speedway gift cards are one of our most popular brands for employee incentives, fundraising and loyalty rewards programs. From gifts to giveaways, loyalty rewards to sales promotions, everyone loves to fuel up their programs with the Speedway Corporate Gift Card Program. With our Speedway Corporate Gift Card Program, we offer you:
Walk-In Health Care Clinics, like CVS/pharmacy's MinuteClinic, on the Rise
It's no secret, people get sick and when battling a painful sore throat or ear infection waiting is NOT an option. Hence the growing popularity of walk-in health care clinics. CVS/pharmacy, the largest retail clinic operator in the Washington area, has more than 800 clinics nationwide, with plans to add more that 150 additional clinics by the end of 2014.
So what's the driving force? Several factors come into play fueling the trend of these walk-in health care clinics, one of which is the Affordable Care Act...sound familiar, you may have heard of it? With millions now being provided insurance through Medicaid, private plans or under their parents plans until age 26, getting in to see your primary care doctor quickly will be more difficult. This, along with a number of other factors, has allowed the perfect forum for retail clinics, like MinuteClinic, to take center stage. The clinics are staffed by nursed practitioners and physicians assistants and can treat anything from pink eye to strep throat, to sinus infections and minor injuries. Gift cards are even available at all 800 MinuteClinic locations and discounts are available on volume purchases. Learn more about buying MinuteClinic gift cards and giving the gift of health
here. Read more from The Washington Post about the growing trend of health care clinics
Using Gift Cards to Prompt Consumer Behavior
Gift cards are a great incentive to get employees to perform a certain behavior at a certain time, aligning your customers to advance your business goals. A great example of gift card use for mutual consumer and retailer benefit is currently being displayed by Microsoft with relation to the phase out of Windows XP. Microsoft will cease providing support and updates for the operating system next week, so the software giant is providing gift cards to any consumers who purchases a laptop running Windows 8.1 and can prove they previously had a computer running Windows XP. The gift card is good for laptops over $599 and also include a limited amount of tech support. Windows needs consumers to phase out use of Windows XP to prevent security issues for their customers. And if you're running a computer with Windows XP, chances are you could use a new laptop. The leverage gift cards provide solve both issues, while still offering consumers a choice in which product they upgrade to and giving them a wide time range to take advantage of the offer. How could you use gift cards to leverage your consumers' behavior?
For more information on the Microsoft offer or to learn how to use gift cards to prompt consumer behavior check out this article from Incentive Magazine.
Employee Motivation Can't Work Without Employee Engagement
A new whitepaper is out from marketing services agency P&MM and it proves a lot of what we have previously based employee motivation initiatives on: you can't motivate employees who aren't engaged. Engaging employees is the first step toward motivation them. Engage employees in their every day work by providing employees with professional development, training and the occasional fun organization activity.
AutoZone Doing Well by Its Clients and Employees
We rarely do this. Our focus is on B2B gift cards and how employee/employer relationships can be improved through various HR programs. But we have such a compelling example of one of our brands doing right by its customers and promoting loyalty through employers. Here are a few ways Auto Zone is promoting loyalty to its customers and helping employers promote loyalty too: