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Shop Gift Cards

Good News Growth for Prepaid and its Gift Card Segment

Prepaid and gift cards sales are amplified with new activity as technology paves the way to better than expected growth. Mercator Advisory Group recently reported that all segments of closed-loop prepaid exceeded their previous forecasts for 2010. In-store gift cards were forecasted at 4% growth for 2010, but total load volume hit $84.6 billion, up 10% from $76.9 in 2009. The B2B gift card market realizes much of this growth via gift card categories like digital-content (online games and social networking credit) and prepaid mobile; gift cards received more loads for these digital-content activities. Retailers are also doing a better job of integrating their gift cards with loyalty programs and other consumer promotions, which catches the attention of potential incentive and rewards buyers. “Loads on employee and partner incentive closed-loop cards increased 10% and loads on consumer-incentive cards also grew 10%”, states Digital Transactions in their Mercator report overview:
Buoyed by Gift Cards, Closed-Loop Prepaid Grew Faster Than Expected in 2010 “On the whole, what we’re seeing is even the closed-loop market is showing some resilience in the face of the economy,” Jackson says. Consumers seem to be recognizing the true value of their gift cards, and “many retailers are doing a better job of integrating their gift cards with loyalty programs and other promotions, Jackson says. “They’re realizing that gift cards are not just a plastic version of paper gift certificates,” he says. Source:
Digital Transactions: Buoyed by Gift Cards, Closed-Loop Prepaid Grew Faster Than Expected in 2010

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Adding Environmental & Community Involvement to Corporate Health and Wellness

Here’s a corporate health and wellness case study that we think has some great new ideas peppered into it. Xceed Financial Credit Union’s in-house event and promotion team research wellness programs from across industries and designed their own program, which includes:

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Non-profits Energize Blood-Givers with Gift Cards

This blog is in no way meant to be alarmist. I grew up on the coast of RI; I know how ocean-side communities fear hurricanes. This blog is meant to highlight a use of gift cards that we’ve seen repeated in several places, including our recent Summer 2011 Gift Card Usage Survey (results to come) and this story, from Naples FL. Blood drives are so important to maintaining the critical and highly perishable supply of blood that is needed to support the victims of natural disasters, in addition to the normal supply required. A recent NY participant in GiftCard Partners’ survey shared that they use gift cards to keep their most loyal donors and supporters engaged with them and to positively impact their blood giving experience, frequency and long term supporter status. In my opinion; this is how to rally help for friends and neighbors... from
www.naplesnews.com: “The blood center will offer $10 gas cards and the chance to meet former Miami Dolphins defensive star, Kim Bokamper. Successful donors will also receive a $5 Patric’s Restaurant gift card and gift cards from Sylvan Learning Center, Sugar Palm Café Bakery & Sports Clips while supplies last. Event participants will have the opportunity to win the following grand prize drawings: one of two pairs of Tampa Bay Rays game tickets, one of three pairs of Fort Myers Miracle Baseball tickets, a 10-passenger sightseeing cruise from Cruise Naples and one of 3 three $50 gift cards courtesy of Lu Lu Belle Children’s Boutique. Plus, visitors can enter to win the blood center’s summer grand prize drawing of 4 adult two-day Busch Gardens admission passes and lodging from Wingate by Windham. Visit
www.givebloodcbc.org or call 239-436-5455 for more information.” Gift cards are a great way to inspire and incent people to take part in such a critical campaign.
Read the full report and blood donor offer here.      

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Gun Buy Back Programs, and other ways to incent desired behavior

The "Kicks for Guns" program in Central Florida, will be held from this weekend in order to get illegal and unwanted guns off the streets of the greater Orlando area.  No questions will be asked of anyone turning in a gun, and people who turn in guns will be rewarded with gift card options from select local retailers.  These types of buy-back programs are common in communities when local law enforcement is trying to rid the community of certain dangerous materials.  Another common buy back program is for old prescriptions.  Often in communities local law-enforcement will reward community members with a relevant gift card in exchange for their old prescriptions. This is a way for the community to come together to promote safety and unity, and indulge in the offered rewards. For more information on the
gun buy back in Orlando click here.  Have you seen any other buy-back programs? Where and what was the reward? Let us know by leaving a comment.

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Gift Cards as Loyalty Rewards will Blow You Away

Working in the B2B and corporate side of the gift card industry, this story caught my eye as it’s a clear indication of the power of gift cards as a consumer promotion and spending incentive. As a wanna-be power-user of my loyalty rewards and savvy consumer, I’m drooling over this story. Here’s what Cardratings.com has to say about recent gift cards offers as loyalty rewards & credit card promotions.“Bonus offers on credit cards have never been juicier, said Cardratings.com founder Curtis Arnold, who has followed the industry for about 10 years. Arnold said he was "blown away" recently by an offer he received -- and quickly snapped up -- for the American Express Business Gold rewards card. He'll get $500 in gift cards if he charges $2,000 in the first three months, plus the card's $125 annual fee is waived for the first year.” Beyond how cool it is to get a free $500 gift card bucks, I know when I am given gift cards as an incentive or request them through my loyalty & rewards programs, I truly feel like it’s a “gift for ME”. When I receive and spend credit card style gift cards (open loop) cards, I tend to spend them on practical items, like food shopping or gas or not remember where I spent them or on what. For this reason, I much prefer closed loop or brand/retailer specific gift cards. This is likely why Amex offers gift cards from specific retailers, rather than just their own…they are much preferred by employees as incentives, loyalty rewards program users, and consumers for incentive and promotions. For more on
how credit card companies are using bonuses like gift cards to woo new customers, click here.    

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