Expanding the Scope of Employee Wellness
The scope of employee wellness has more or less stayed the same over the last five years since wellness programs have gained popularity. Employee wellness has always been focused on physical health, biometrics and insurance premium discounting.
Celebrate National Nutrition Month with Healthy Gift Cards
March is National Nutrition Month®, a yearly initiative from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that encourages people to make informed food choices and build healthy eating habits. This year, the theme is "Beyond the Table," focusing on the different ways and places people eat, such as at home, school, work, or events. It also addresses the impact of our food choices on the environment, including how we produce, transport, and prepare our foods.
The CVS/pharmacy® Wellness Newsletter: February Edition
Top stories from the February CVS/pharmacy® Wellness Newsletter!
Wellness programs continue to evolve into 2016, challenging employers to keep things fresh. This edition of the CVS/pharmacy® Wellness Newsletter focuses on using rewards and incentives to encourage healthy behavioral changes, resources on how to maintain engagement and secure long-term program success, CVS news and more. Read below for more on what this edition has to offer.
Smoking at Work: Not What it Used to Be
Smoking at work is not what it used to be. In the days of Don Draper, it was something everyone did, all the time, whether they were at work or home. Now, it's difficult to find a restaurant that even has a smoking section. According to a recent SHRM study that addresses smoking at work, employers have smoking cessation programs on their minds. According to the survey, 47% of responding employers restrict their employees smoking in some way during working hours.
40 Healthy Snacks at Work
Staying healthy at work isn’t always easy. With anywhere from 8-10 hours in the office, healthy snacks at work are a must to keep employees energized and focused. So what are the best healthy snacks for the office? SnackNation reached out to 40 health experts, from nutritionists to dietitians, and asked them “What are your favorite healthy snacks to keep at the office (or wherever you work) and why?"