3 Reasons to Use Healthy Incentives for Medicaid Enrollees
Do you use your health plan as a trusted advisor to guide your healthy lifestyle initiatives? If you do, you’re not alone. Health plan enrollees, especially those enrolled in public health plans like Medicaid, look for guidance and incentive reinforcement on how to live a healthy lifestyle. This interaction is crucial as it not only encourages healthy behavior but also helps reduce overall plan costs.
Employee Wellness Starts at Home
Corporate health & wellness programs focus on supporting employees in their attempts to reach health goals or to live a healthier lifestyle, but the majority of efforts are spent on improving the lives of employees during their workday and in the workplace: healthy lunch options, bike commutes, office gyms, etc. But companies are starting to look beyond the workplace to employee homes and the role that a healthy, hazard free home plays in their overall health and wellness. With most employees spending more than half of their lives in their homes, encouraging them to create and maintain healthy living spaces is becoming a hot topic.
Employee Mental Health and Wellness
Employee health and wellness is a huge topic amongst employers, employees, health insurance companies and wellness program brokers. But what about employee mental health and wellness? By 2030 the world will lose 12 billion work days to depression and anxiety disorders. That’s a huge number. So what can we do to mitigate this type of employee absenteeism? Normalize discussions about mental health and make treatment options available and affordable to employees who need assistance.
Expanding the Scope of Employee Wellness
The scope of employee wellness has more or less stayed the same over the last five years since wellness programs have gained popularity. Employee wellness has always been focused on physical health, biometrics and insurance premium discounting.
Celebrate National Nutrition Month with Healthy Gift Cards
March is National Nutrition Month®, a yearly initiative from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that encourages people to make informed food choices and build healthy eating habits. This year, the theme is "Beyond the Table," focusing on the different ways and places people eat, such as at home, school, work, or events. It also addresses the impact of our food choices on the environment, including how we produce, transport, and prepare our foods.