Study Highlights New Trends in Employee Awards – Gift Cards Favored!
Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and the
Incentive Federation recently published a study that highlights gift cards as an employee reward preference over cash rewards. The study about incentive awards recognizes non-cash incentives as a way to control spending, while motivating employees and channel partners. The preliminary results of the study point out that employee cash incentive awards are averaging $732.00, which is triple the cost of non-cash awards. “The study validates our experience and belief that the average cost of a cash award is roughly triple that of either merchandise ($206) or gift cards ($240),” according to Incentive Federation Chairman Stephen Slagle. “The total cost of incentives is especially important in our post-recession economy, so the data points stimulated extensive discussion around the benefits of each award type,” he explained. To read more about this study, visit
IMA’s Return On Performance. Check back with us regularly; we’ll publish a link to the full study results once they are available.
Who Buys E-Certs Anyways?
We know digital gift cards and incentives are popular, based on their ease of delivery and eco-friendly nature, while still providing the same flexibility of a tangible gift card. But what we want to know is who is most likely to buy this new technology? Research conducted by Urban Wallace Associates and sponsored by CashStar provided the GCP team with some insight. In this eGift Card Buyer Study, they interviewed over 6,000 eCert users across a national sample. Here are some key findings: There are 3 different demographic shoppers: 1. Generous Gifter- This is primarily a mom who is responsible for all the family gifting. She works,is part of a two-income household, has children and is very busy. She is looking for an easy way to shop with a personal touch. Giving a gift card or eCert is easy. She spends approximately $35per gift. 2. Metro-Digital Shopper- A young urban professional who is busy, looking for instant gratification, and only shops on-line, via smart-phone or ipad, often on the go. The Metro-Digital Shopper is highly educated, tends to spend over $75 per gift card/eCert and purchases during peak times like lunch time and in the evening. 3. The Grateful Boss- ( This is the segment GCP was most excited about, as we had a little potential for B2B information!) This is typically a front-line manager who wants to provide instant gratification for a job well done. He/She is highly educated, makes over $100K a year, and 98% are married. They tend to purchase gift cards/ecerts an average of 5-7 times a year with an average value of $150- $200! They usually purchase during lunch time between 11 AM and 12PM. The Grateful Boss may have a secret budget for this program, purchase it out of his personal funds, or through a formal motivation program. But in any of these cases it is important to provide quick gratification for the employee and reinforce successful behaviors. The research also discussed that 85% of digital gift cards and incentives are incremental sales over plastic! Which begs the obvious question, why aren’t more retailers using eCerts? Let us know what you think about this by leaving us a comment!
GiftCard Partners is Published in Working Mother Magazine Online
I recently posted a response and opposing side to a story called “The Myth of Work Life Balance”, which stated that there was no such thing as this balance, that this idea is a pathetic chase and unattainable. Of course, I scathed out my side, practically offended that a woman would advocate “giving up” our journey to work-life balance; it doesn’t exist. Honestly, I’ve felt a bit unsettled that my attempt at debunking this myth was just one mom’s personal story and perspective and not representative enough of others’ truths. However, my company meeting gives us proof otherwise.
Multi-Channel Retailers, Gift Cards, and Profit Margins
The number of consumers shopping across multiple channels is expanding while retailers everywhere face margin challenges and an uncertain economy. Consumers will seek information both on-line, and through mobile technology but will only shop in the most convenient channel. Multi-channel retail has become theexpectation (and a competitive advantage). This strategy allows the company to be everywhere the consumer is shopping, and lowers the risk the shopper will inquire at their outlet, and spend their money elsewhere. The difficult part of multi-channel retail is making the transition and keeping up with the consumer trends. How are multi-channel retailers reacting to this change in consumer shopping?
Look for GCP and innovative insights at the IMA Summit
Next week at the Incentive Marketing Association Annual Summit look for GiftCard Partners' Cheif Operating Officer Deb Merkin to moderate a panel entitled: "Challenges of Moving Bulk eCerts/mCerts Through the Distribution Pipeline." The session will discuss the challenges and benefits of eCert and mCert technology and how they can and are expanding the incentive gift card market. Deb will be moderating a panel of industry experts in discussion on this cutting edge topic. The session will take place on Tuesday August 9th from 1:45 until 2:45.
For more information check out the IMA Summit schedule here.