U.S. Workers and Wellness Initiatives
According to a new poll of 617 full-time workers by
Flex+Strategy Group and Work+Life Fit, about half of all U.S. workers take part in some kind of wellness initiative, while about a third of all workers participate in some kind of employer-sponsored initiative. So if half of employees are doing some kind of exercise, and a third are doing it with work, what’s everyone else up to?
The History of National Nurses Week
Each year National Nurses Week kicks off on May 6, Nurses Day. The week commences on May 12th on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. The theme for National Nurses Week 2016 is “Culture of Safety: It Starts With YOU”. This year's theme honors the contributions nurses make every day to the safety and collaboration in healthcare.
2015 Gift Card Sales Reach $130 Billion
2015 gift card sales in the U.S. reach $130 billion, a 6% increase over 2014.
2015 gift cards sales are just the beginning as gift card sales are predicted to reach $160 billion by 2018. E-gifting had the largest increase, rising to 26% in 2015, representing $7.1 billion in volume. E-gifting is also expected to support the overall payment industry growth. Long-term prospects for e-gifting remain promising as more payment services become mainstream and plastic cards make the switch to digital.
Non-Cash Rewards are Key to Long-Term Sales
Imagine offering merchandise or a gift card instead of a standard $10 off incentive to drive sales. Changing your discount structure in such a way may seem crazy but new research from Ifeelgoods may have you thinking differently. The research revealed that, if given a cash-based offer or a non-cash reward, consumers carried more brand equity and purchase intent than when retailers put more cash back in consumers’ pockets. The study revealed that non-cash incentives had diverse positive correlations with consumers including:
3 Perks to Having a Virtual Office
Work has become a thing people do, and less a place where employees go. Work-life balance is disappearing due to our constantly connected society. So how can you keep employees happy, keep stress low and maximize engagement? Believe it or not, a virtual office environment might be the best solution. Here are three unique advantages to running your organization from virtual offices.