The Best Corporate Gift this Holiday: Gift Cards
Did you know that over the last 9 years, gift cards have been one of the most requested holiday gifts? Almost 60% of consumers that celebrate the holiday season would prefer to receive a gift card over any other holiday gift. Let’s take a closer look at why gift cards make the perfect holiday gift for everyone on your corporate gift list.
Buying Gift Cards for the Holidays
With the holiday season rapidly approaching retailers are planning for the end of the year buying frenzy. Last year total holiday sales increase by 3%. For the last 9 years, gift cards have been one of the most requested holiday gifts. Almost 60% of consumers that celebrate the holiday season would prefer to receive a gift card.
Personalizing Employee Engagement
Personalizing employee engagement is critical to the success of a program. Making employees feel personally recognized and appreciated makes them feel that their individual contribution and impact on the organization truly matters and is noticed. Here are three ways to personalize employee engagement, and things to avoid:
3 Tips for Creating a Successful Multi-Generational Workplace
As we progress into a multi-generational workplace, young employees entering the workforce for the first time are now working with and collaborating on projects with people old enough to be their parents. This creates a dynamic working relationship and an active set of workplace challenges.
Internal Factors Lead to Organizational Growth Issues
Organizational growth issues exist in some form at almost every company. There can often be a “chicken or the egg” mentality between two opposing factors that often lead to a scramble instead of a steady positive growth curve. Most companies blame this on external factors like funding, the market, or even a competitor move. However,
new research from Bain & Company shows that most organizational growth issues actually stem from within the organization. According to the survey of 400 executives: