The Ultimate Guide to Creative Employee Recognition Ideas
Creating a thriving workplace culture starts with one essential ingredient: employee recognition. Studies show that companies with robust employee recognition strategies experience stronger engagement, reduced turnover, and increased productivity. Recognizing employees doesn’t just boost morale—it drives business success.
Create Employee Loyalty: What Do They Want?
It's often a conundrum for most employers to create employee loyalty within their company. Figuring out how to motivate employees, keep them happy and prevent them for looking for other employment is a major concern, especially given the diverse interest and priorities between Baby Boomers and Millennials. Where do you start? What would the budget look like, if there even is one? Maybe this will help. Towergate Insurance performed a recent study and created an infographic to try to answer the question,
3 Ways to Transform Employee Performance
Employee performance should be a main focus for any management and HR team. If your employees succeed it is great for morale, continuity and productivity. High employee performance will yield higher profits for your business and greater success all around. Low performers not only drag themselves down but can really drag their whole team down with them. Here are three ways to transform low performing employees to boost employee performance in your organization.
The Importance of the Employee Suggestion Box
The employee suggestion box may seem like an antiquated concept. Who is going to drop a crumpled up piece of paper into a box, or send and email to an anonymous email address? With that attitude, no one. However,
Hugh Molotsi, VP of Innovation at Intuit Labs, believes that employee ideas can be the most underutilized tool in an employer's innovation strategy.
Here's the scenario: Your company encounters a large organizational issue. Senior management can't solve it. So, the organization spends thousands, if not millions, to bring in a consultant to try to solve the problem. It may work in the long-term, but how can you ensure ROI on such a huge investment? Alternatively, you could pose a brainstorm contest or competition (
think like a hack-a-thon) to your employees, spend a couple hundred dollars bringing in lunch or dinner for the staff, and empower your
employees to find the fix. Not only have you saved an enormous amount of money, but you've given your employees the opportunity to have a
direct impact on shaping your organization. An employee suggestion can turn into real solutions to problems and real improvements in your organization, without bringing in expensive and sometimes disruptive consultants. Do you invite your employee suggestion into organization strategy sessions or problem solving exercises? If you don't, it might be time to consider a change in 2015.
Top 17 Blogs for Boosting Organizational Productivity
In today's fast-paced business environment, improving productivity is not just about individual time management—it's about optimizing organizational performance as a whole. For business owners and managers, ensuring that their teams are operating efficiently and effectively can have a direct impact on the bottom line. Whether you're looking to enhance your team’s workflow, implement better management strategies, or simply make day-to-day tasks more manageable, staying updated with the latest productivity tips is essential.