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3 Quick Tips for Keeping Employees Happy

Many companies are working to raise retention rates and employee loyalty. There are a few easy ways to keep employees happy, productive, and loyal within your organization. The full compensation package given to employees has to be fair and has to show employees that as they give more time to their organization, their employer will scale their compensation, both financial and non-financial, and show dedication to them. Here are 3 easy tips for keeping your employees happy and content in their positions.

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Infographic: Are You Communicating Your Benefits Program?

The infographic below offers some pretty staggering statistics on how employee loyalty is tied to benefits, and how employees are often less loyal to their organization because they are not aware of the extent of their benefits. If benefits were better communicated and employees were aware of all that their employers were offering loyalty and retention rates would be higher. The lack of communication is apparent, since employee loyalty is at a 3 year low, even as the economy recovers and companies begin hiring again. Happy employees are productive employees, so ensuring that your employees are aware of benefits from health and wellness rewards, to spot rewards like gift cards for a job well done, will result in a measurable return on investment for your business.

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Webinar: How to Incentivize Employees to Engage in Healthy Behavior

CVS & GCP webinar: Healthcare Reform’s Impact on Wellness - How to Incentivize Employees to Engage in Healthy Behavior with Jonathan Edelheit, Editor in Chief of Benefits Live Magazine, incorporating National Healthcare Reform Magazine, Vanessa Cullerton, Senior Manager of Employee Wellness for The Hillshire Brands Company, Stacey Nelson, Manager of Health and Welfare for Sprint, and Edward Shulkin, President of Gift Card Partners, Inc.

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Loyal Employees Add Growth, Profitability

Loyal employees who are invested in your organization can make the difference between hitting organizational financial and growth goals, and becoming stagnant and not profitable. When employees are not loyal, and are looking to leave it shows in their work and productivity. No company grew and prospered from a workforce itching to get out the door. Your employees are you organization's greatest asset, so use these tactics to keep them engaged and loyal to their employer.

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Check out this Special Corporate Gift Card Offer and Save BIG!

Get 10% off with a minimum purchase of $1,000 in Boston Market Gift Cards between October 11th and November 11th, 2012.
GET an ADDITIONAL 5% off your order when you refer us to a qualified business* during this campaign. Simply email us today with the code: “Boston Market Discount” in the subject line. Please identify that you would like to redeem the 10% discount offer. If you refer a new business contact to us, you’ll get an extra 5% off – THAT’S A TOTAL DISCOUNT OF 15%.* It’s a busy time of year; say thank you to your employees and all your business connections, with the fast family friendly comfort food of Boston Market.
Happy Savings!

*Referral program qualification –in order to qualify for the additional 5% discount, please provide a business that offers gift cards in their corporate reward programs. (i.e. employee rewards, customer appreciation, “Thank You”, safety program). Include the business name, contact name, title, work email, work phone of the company you are referring. We will validate the referral information and then communicate ordering instructions.  

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