The ROI of Employee Engagement
Employee engagement is on the rise according to the Tempkin Employee Engagement Index. Employee engagement can have many positive effects on an organization. Here are a few examples of the variety of benefits an engaged workforce can have on your organization as a whole.
GCP’s Top B2B Gift Card Brand Goes Undercover to be the Best
Undercover cooking talent and reality restaurant shows are on the top of Food Network, lifestyle networks and even major networks these days, and our client Boston Market is taking this opportunity to capture their service and operations issues in order to remain – THE BEST, while growing their brand.
3 Keys to Employee Loyalty
Many employers look to employee loyalty as an expectation, rather than an organizational goal. However, for employees, loyalty is viewed as quite the opposite; something that an organization should earn through mutually beneficial working conditions and effort committed. Here a 5 keys to earning employee loyalty and retaining a more productive and sustainable workforce.
Keeping Employees Happy and Loyal
The infographic below reflects a recent survey from Mercer of 2,400 people that represent a microcosm of the American workforce. Since almost one in three people are looking to leave their jobs, it is important to know who is most likely to be looking to move on, and why. An employee’s retention and satisfaction leads to their loyalty, so pinpointing and fixing those issues will be financially efficient and better for themorale at your organization. Loyalty and retention rates can be boosted by implementing an employee loyalty program, offering small incentives, such as small denomination gift cards to employees as loyalty rewards, or as a carrot reward for employee retention. Check out this infographic as a start to figuring out your organizations weaknesses and turn them into strengths. Providing employees support, career development, recognition and rewards can minimize turnover and increase loyalty. Knowing which populations are most likely to be looking to leave is a good way to start working to maximize employee loyalty.