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Gamify Your Safety Program

Gamification is a concept that is gaining popularity among employers to motivate employees to certain goals. Those goals can range from certain performance goals, to health and wellness goals, to workplace safety goals. Adding a gamification component to your workplace safety program can be a great way to keep safety top of mind for employees and decrease accident rates in your work space. Gamifying safety can be as simple as creating a public website, and for each day a worker, team of workers, or your entire workforce completes without an accident points can get added to a pool, which can then be cashed in for a variety of rewards. Some organizations opt for a more complex safety rewards game, creating teams, similar to fantasy sports, who compete against each other for points that can be later cashed in for rewards. This option allows the employer to track both individual and team performance, to find strengths and weaknesses organization-wide.

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Use Employee Rewards to Ensure Satisfied Consumers

In the age of social media, a constant news cycle and a constantly connected consumer base, we all know how important it is to keep customers happy. Happy customers can mean free marketing and public relations in the form of brand evangelization through social media. Unhappy customers can have the opposite effect, casting a negative shadow on your organization's brand through social media or consumer reports. Customers are happy when they have positive interactions with your brand, and when the people who represent your brand, your employees, have a positive effect on the customers. When your employees become true ambassadors and do all they can to positively represent your band to consumers your employees are happier, your customers are happier, and your revenue will grow and gain potential. The importance of happy employees directly correlates to the happiness of your consumers and the strength of therelationship your consumers develop with your brand. Using employee rewards and recognition is a great way to ensure employees represent your brand appropriately, and develop positive consumer relationships. All levels of rewards can fit into an employee rewards program. From a small denomination gift card to a retailer like Boston Market, or Burlington Coat Factory for a well handled consumer interaction, to a weekend getaway for the employee with the highest promoter score, or lifetime value assessment. Employee rewards programs can be tailored to any budget, but their value proposition will always be felt in a big way. Happy employees, happy consumers, and measurably increased revenue.
For more information on using employee rewards to ensure happy consumers check out this article from xceleration.com

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Spot Rewards - Old School vs. New School

The ROI of Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is on the rise according to the Tempkin Employee Engagement Index. Employee engagement can have many positive effects on an organization. Here are a few examples of the variety of benefits an engaged workforce can have on your organization as a whole.

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GCP’s Top B2B Gift Card Brand Goes Undercover to be the Best

Undercover cooking talent and reality restaurant shows are on the top of Food Network, lifestyle networks and even major networks these days, and our client Boston Market is taking this opportunity to capture their service and operations issues in order to remain – THE BEST, while growing their brand.

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