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Your Employee's Wish List

Have you ever wondered what your employees would change about their workplace? In mid-December, Tinyhr released a
survey of more than 1,000 employees and found their top-five wishes for their workplace. The employee's wish list shows they are looking for...

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Fantasy Football Can Increase Employee Engagement

According to a recent study from Quantum Workplace's Best Places to Work research panel, employee engagement is higher among those employees who participate in Fantasy Football with their coworkers.  With the Super Bowl coming up, it’s not too late to use this as an employee engagement opportunity! The analysis of the study revealed that employees participating in a fantasy football league with their coworkers had higher survey scores when it came to measuring teamwork and trust with their coworkers.  Workplaces that encourage employees playing and socializing together had higher results in overall workplace teamwork and considered their workplace a great work environment.  Employees at these 'best places to work' often feel a sense of “family” in the workplace.
Some key highlights from the study include: Of NFL fans surveyed, 75.3% were highly engaged employees compared to 63.8% of non-NFL fans.

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Company Culture Leads to Employee Empowerment

The most effective employees are those that feel empowered to do their job and learn and grow into the best contributor they can, not those that feel caught up in a hierarchy or a corporate system. Although employee engagement and employee empowerment are important in creating a successful workforce,
according to a recent Inc.com article, emphasizing these two key components can actually be counter intuitive. Here are a few tips to creating employee empowerment and engagement without emphasizing it.

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Embracing Employee Imperfection

Our society, and our work standards, strive toward perfection. We sometimes feel we must be perfect, the perfect boss, the perfect employee, the perfect parent, etc. We may even think that making no mistakes is the best possible scenario and that a squeaky clean record at work, and in life, is what it's all about. Well let's think about challenging that notion. According to
Kate Hamill of the Freelancer's Union, weaknesses and mistakes can actually bring out some of our other strengths and can help harvest self-reflection that makes us, our staff, our managers and our organizations more successful. Your weaknesses are inextricably tied up in your strengths. Every cause has an effect and every action a reaction. If you invert your weaknesses, you will uncover your strengths. This is where employee imperfection is key. There is no way to invert perfection, nothing to learn from it. Employees can't grow from perfect, and frankly perfection is boring. There's no evolution or growth that comes from perfection and stagnation can be unfulfilling. When employee imperfection is embraced, it can lead to self-compassion. Employees who learn to give themselves a break, instead of getting frustrated, give themselves a chance to improve upon their discovered weaknesses and get a lot farther in their careers. Self-teaching and independent growth are valuable skills that breed great team members and hard workers. Weaknesses don't have to be negative, but rather should be looked at as the ultimate opportunity, not to achieve employee perfection, for employee growth potential.

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Starting 2015 with Employee Motivation

As we embark on 2015 and our workforce has shaken off the holiday rust it's important to think about how to maintain a culture of motivation not just through the cold winter months but throughout the year. Here are a few ways to keep employee motivation, productivity and job satisfaction at the top of your company's priority list all year long.

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