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Wearables Embed Employers in Health and Wellness Initiatives

Wearable technology is gaining popularity in the consumer market and has the potential to transform the way employers structure their employee health and wellness initiatives. The transformation will have an effect on the price tag of these initiatives, but the direct effect of incorporating wearable technology will ease the time it takes for employers to track employee wellness activity. 

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Employee Investment is an Investment in Your Brand

Employees are your brand. They are the ultimate liaison between you and your customers. No customers, no business, so it's critical to make an employee investment and consider it an investment in your brand. In order to ensure your employees are the strongest representation of your brand you must create a culture of employee engagement. Here are three ways to do that.

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3 Employee Motivation Tactics That Work

Employee motivation has gone way beyond the traditional cash bonus or employee of the month trophy. Employees want motivation programs that really dedicate them to their work and their peers. Here are three employee motivations tactics from  B2BNewsNetwork to help you revamp your program.

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Top 4 Traits of Front-Line Retail Employees

Your front line retail associates are often overlooked. The store associates are the people who interact with consumers the most and ultimately have the greatest influence on your brand representation. That’s why it’s critical for you to make the investment in training and education so your employees are representing your brand  as it should be. There are a 
handful of traits that can make truly great retail employees. Here are my 4 favorite traits that create real leaders on your brand's front line.

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Boost Employee Productivity Through Feedback

New research has shown that stressed out or unhappy employees are 
10% less productive than happy employees who feel able to manage their stress and responsibilities. So how do you help your employees manage stress and boost general employee productivity? Feedback. Obtaining this feedback can be as simple as a suggestion box. Providing anonymous forums within your office structure where employees feel confident that their message will be received but also won't be targeted as a result is crucial to obtaining honest feedback and thus improving your organization. The more channels you can open up for feedback in your organization, the more ways you can improve and make your organization best for everyone. When employees feel more comfortable and supported, productivity peaks and the best work gets done. It’s no secret that the best workplaces produce the best work. Providing avenues for feedback allows your organization to remain agile and flexible to employee needs. As you grow or shift demographics, anonymous feedback allows your organization to maximize employee productivity and support. You need to know what your consumers want so you can deliver. Similarly, you need to know what your employees want to make them the best they can be.

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