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Gen Z at Work: How to Manage & Motivate Generation Z in the Workplace

In an era where the workplace is evolving faster than ever, a new generation is stepping into the professional world with fresh perspectives and unique expectations. Generation Z, born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, is not just another cohort in the workforce; they are digital natives, social justice advocates, and flexibility enthusiasts.  

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How to Increase Productivity in the Workplace with Gift Cards

As we approach World Productivity Day on June 20th, a day recognized by the United Nations to focus on improving how we work and live, many employers are interested in increasing productivity in their workplaces. However, increasing productivity does not mean a promotion of “hustle culture” or a breakneck pace that leads to employee burnout.  

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Promoting Safety & Wellbeing with Gift Card Incentives for Nurses

Are we doing enough to support those who care for us? National Nurses Week is the second week of May, but every day is an opportunity to recognize the hard work and dedication of these essential healthcare professionals. One innovative approach to enhancing nurse morale and engagement is through gift card rewards.

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Using Gift Cards to Support Mental Health Initiatives in the Workplace

In today's fast-paced and high-pressure work environment, prioritizing employee mental health has never been more critical. According to a recent Gallup survey, 40% of sampled American workers reported that their job had a negative impact on their mental health. In a post-pandemic world, mental health has become front and center not just for individuals in their private lives, but as a component of their professional experiences.  

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The Visa® Reward Card - Elevating Employee Recognition and Appreciation in 2024

In an era where talent retention and engagement are paramount, every business leader is in search of the perfect formula to inspire and appreciate their employees. Imagine a tool that not only acknowledges their contributions but also fuels their motivation? That's where the Visa® Reward Card takes the center stage.

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