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3 Tips to Make Incentives Work More Efficiently

Employee incentives are a proven way to motivate employees, increase productivity and retention, as well as align your organizational goals with employee goals. However, do you know how efficient your incentive program is? It may be working, but not as well as it could. With a fresh new year, now is a great time to take stock of your employee incentive program and find ways to make incentives work better. Roy Saunderson shared 10 tips with Incentive Magazine on how to make incentives work better, here are our top 3 tips:

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Incentives Improve Workplace Performance

Genesis Associates, a British-based recruiting firm focusing in the sales, engineering, and creative sectors, recently surveyed employees to try to determine exactly how important incentives were in the workplace. Their findings were astounding. 85% of responding workers indicated that they do their
best work when an incentive is involved. That’s not just better work, or they work harder, that is their best. Don’t you want their best all the time? This survey adds to the proof that incentives are no longer an option but a necessity to maintaining a positive work environment. Of those surveyed, 73% indicated that their work atmosphere was good or very good during an incentive period. So what do you give employees to properly incentivize them? The survey also went into the incentive itself. They saw:

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Survey Says Non-Cash Incentives are the Answer

We’ve all received cash bonuses. It’s the biggest staple of employee rewards and incentives, but should it be? The Incentive Marketing Association and the Incentive Research Foundation have partnered once again to take a closer look at the rewards and incentives that make the biggest impact in your programs. Their Participant Survey, surveying 452 employees with 80 in-depth questions, helped prove a point that GiftCard Partners has emphasized for a long time: that cash is NOT king when it comes to employee reward programs. The Participant Survey showed incredible statistics about employees’ propensity to choose non-cash incentives when presented with a choice. A few key findings included:

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5 Team Building Ideas For Employees

Team building often feels forced. It can be seen as a cheesy, waste of time especially for those employees who are less social. The truth is a lot of team building exercises ARE a waste of time. But you can do team building the right way. To plan a successful team building exercise you should be thoughtful to who is on the team and the goal you want to accomplish. Pairing the right personalities with the goals you want to accomplish will keep employees more engaged in team building. Here are 5 excellent ideas for team building:

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The Relationship Between Engaged Employees and Loyal Consumers

In today's digital era, distinguishing insiders and outsiders within an organization is increasingly complex. This evolving landscape presents opportunities for brand ambassadors, positioning companies to excel on social media platforms, message boards, and blogs. Engaging employees fosters an environment where they naturally become positive brand representatives in online public spaces, effectively engaging consumers. Here's a comprehensive look at the crucial relationship between engaged employees, brand, and engaged consumers, along with actionable strategies:

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