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Shop Gift Cards

Is Management Committed to Company Safety?

It may sound like an obvious thing to say…”that management needs to be committed to their safety program for it to work”. But, all too often safety programs feel like a pretense to employees and this sets the stage for safety behavior. Real world experiences with safety programs and safety incentives tell us that this is happening all the time. The act of selecting which incentives and rewards will be offered sets the tone for your program. Will you expect employees to feel rewarded for fewer accident reports with a “super-star” coffee mug, or other trinkets? Cash is appreciated and remembered, but you won’t receive discount on cash rewards. Gift Cards are the perfect incentive for safety and corporate rewards and business incentive programs, as discounts are achieved for volume orders. Companies like
GiftCard Partners offer only volume orders and discounts on top gift card brands like
Speedway (Gasoline),
The Cheesecake Factory,
Boston Market,
AutoZone and
many more.  

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What is Employee Recognition? Definition, Meaning & Importance

Employee recognition is a pivotal aspect of fostering a positive workplace culture. It refers to the act of acknowledging and appreciating employees for their contributions, achievements, and efforts within an organization. This recognition can take various forms, ranging from verbal praise to formal awards and incentives. Here's a comprehensive exploration of the definition, meaning, and significance of employee recognition in the workplace.

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The People are Speaking – Boston Market IT IS

As you commit to volume gift card purchases for your loyalty & rewards programs or corporate employee programs, you want to know that the public thinks highly of the brands you include.
Boston Market is ranking high on the list of fast-casual restaurants this holiday season and it’s sure to hold strong into 2013. Check out Boston Market’s recent record sales news:
Home Style Restaurant Chain Achieves History-Making Sales During Its Busiest Week of the Year and you will see not only great sales results for the company, but the value they offer to families across the U.S. In an effort to support the New York and New Jersey victims of Hurricane Sandy, Lowe’s distributed more than 22,000 FREE family meals from Boston Market, serving 136,000 people affected by the storm. This resulted in Boston Market’s single largest order in their history. GCP is proud to offer Boston Market gift cards to those buying in bulk.

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The Latest Tools to Boost Employee Motivation & Productivity

Looking for the latest trends in employee motivation, engagement, incentives and rewards? In this month’s GCP eNews edition,
you’ll  find the
Tools to Boost Employee Motivation & Productivity, including: -          Wellness Programs in the Workplace: Technology that Inspires Healthy Living – for Mind and Body -          eNews Interactive: 4 Apps to Keep You On-Time and On-Task -          Wrapping up the Holiday: Improving Productivity during the Holiday Season -          The Safety Zone: The Key to a Successful Safety Program -         
AND MORE Don’t forget to subscribe to our eNews, a consolidation of “the best of” in customer loyalty, employee motivation, health and wellness incentives, engagement strategies, and rewards.[hs_action id="2809"]

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The Importance of Saying Thank You

Saying "thank you" is a small gesture that often goes a long way. In the workplace a simple "thank you" from a boss to an employee, or from upper management to a workforce can help keep employees motivated, loyal to the business, and productive. According to a survey this year of 2,007 people 
for from the John Templeton Foundation, only 10% of employees say thank you to a colleague every day, and a mere 7% express gratitude daily to a boss. The same study indicated that spouses, children, even mail carriers were more likely to receive a thank you or other gratification from adults in the workforce. The majority of HR managers believe that showing gratitude increases retention rates, and 49% of those HR Managers believe that the simple act of  saying "thank you" in the workplace can increase profits. Expressing gratitude to bosses, subordinates, and colleagues builds trust and culture in a company. For employers and management it is important to show gratitude, as well as express it. Providing small rewards for a job well done allows employees to feel the impact of a "thank you." Whether it is a simple 
CVS/Pharmacy gift card to help with everyday expenses, a gift card to 
The Children's Place to help get the kids special holiday outfits, or a 
1-800-Flowers gift card to help employees pass the gratitude on; small rewards given as "thank you's" to employees can go a long way.
For more information on the importance of saying "thank you" and expressing gratitude in the workplace check out this article from the Wall Street Journal.

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