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Employee Engagement Strategies

Employee engagement has been defined as "the willingness and ability for employees to go the extra mile", but what about those employees who aren't willing to complete the first mile, never mind the extra mile? Improving our employee engagement strategies can attract employees and maintain motivated employees.

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Gamified Employee Incentive Programs Should Follow a Formula

Finally, after years of industry experts providing research on how effective gamified employee incentive program are,
Incentive Magazine has come up with a formula for how to prioritize and rank employee incentives and rewards. The SAPS hierarchy will help guide you to design the optimally effective employee rewards program to meet your organizations budget and your employees' motivational needs. Here is how SAPS works and why. Status: Think about boarding a plane, the most loyal airline customers always get to board first. Shouldn't your most loyal employees get first pick for things like which days they take vacation. Your most loyal employees don't want the same 5 year anniversary gift that sits like a paperweight on their desk. Allow them to chose something that reflects their loyalty in a way that matters to them. Access: Give access as employee incentives. These types of employee incentives don't hold any monetary cost but does hold intangible value to employees. Access to their C-level executive for lunch one day could incent a junior level employees to work hard and stay motivated to get some facetime with a high-level employees that they don't normally interact with. Power: Allow employees to gain power through peer leadership. Power doesn't need to come through promotions, but can be earned by becoming a peer leader. Employee incentives can earn them a spot to lead an employee committee on organizational recreation or an employee committee on safety. Good behavior should be met with more opportunities to exhibit good behavior. These types of employee incentives create a natural culture of leadership and professional development. Stuff: Stuff should come last. Once an employee has reached past the first three levels of employee incentives, that is when you can reach for a bonus, or a gift card, or even a paid vacation. Stuff should come last, because an employee should have worked loyally through many other levels of incentives before an employer simply hands over the goods. However, when an employee does earn "stuff" incentives, it is because they are your most loyal employees, most deserving of incentives.

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Employee Rewards & Trophy Value

Employee rewards should be as memorable as the effort that employees put in to earn the reward. Building up trophy value will making lasting memories of employee recognition and employer appreciation that will maintain lasting employee morale.
Trophy Value Make employee recognition memorable for employees. Bonuses are nice but a short trip or a personal gift are memorable. A trip or gift don't end up paying the bills or put away in the savings account. These employee rewards allow employees to relax and treat themselves, without thinking they should be using the value for a practical purpose.
Choosing the Right Employee Reward Employee rewards are something employees work hard for and put in extra effort to achieve. The reward should fit the effort an employee exerts to achieve it. Don't forget the extra effort employees exert to earn rewards. The same way a punishment should fit a crime, an employee reward should fit the good behavior.
Cash Isn't Always King Cash bonuses are great in certain situations. We aren't telling you to get rid of the Christmas bonuses, but smaller spot rewards don't need to be all cash. Small denomination gift cards allow employees the trophy value of treating themselves to dinner at The Cheesecake Factory, a new T.V. from Crutchfield, or a new outfit from The Limited. Gift cards allow employees to treat themselves without feeling guilty.
For more information on creating trophy value with your employee rewards check out this article from Incentive Magazine.  

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Employee Recognition Builds Motivation

No matter if you're in the mailroom or the corner office employee recognition has remained a constant in employee motivation. Regardless of the economy, or stage of career all employees want to be recognized and it inevitably leads to motivation and increased productivity. A lot has changed since the 90's, but back then high wages was an employees number one motivator. When employees were asked what motivates them the most more recently, full organizational appreciation of work done ranked number one. When asked for one thing that would motivate them more at work, 31% of employees mentioned better treatment including more praise and a sense of being valued within the organization. Employee recognition is a valuable tool. You can make grand gestures like a company retreat, or a paid vacation for top performers, or smaller expression of employee recognition that can be just as effective. A small denomination gift card to a popular retailer like
Boston Market or
Burlington Coat Factory, paired with a public call-out at a staff meeting can be a great way to give employees the satisfaction and sense of value that will motivate them and maintain a high level of productivity.
HR.BLR provides a great breakdown on what you can do to motivate your employees through employee recognition. When done the right way, employee recognition can motivate your whole organization and promote a culture of productivity and teamwork.

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Employee Wellness Programs Reinvigorated

In 2012 half of all companies with at least 50 employees had a corporate wellness program that incentivized employee wellness through either direct financial incentives or non-financial recognition. Companies larger than 50 employees were even more likely to have an employee wellness program in place, at 79%. These programs do simple things to prevent avoidable conditions like health risk assessment, weight management and nutrition education. The investment is a low-risk high-reward endeavor, especially as components of the Affordable Care Act take affect that further encourage employers to implement programs directed at employee wellness. The average investment in wellness has doubled since 2009, skyrocketing from $260 per employee to $594. The 2014 figure is also significantly higher than the $521 average investment made per employee for wellness in 2013. Employers increased investment and encouragement of employee wellness shows that it is working.
Check out this infographic and more great information from Modern Healthcare on where the employee wellness industry is going and growing in 2014 and beyond.

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