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GiftCard Partners Wins 2016 When Work Works Award



Receives prestigious When Work Works Award

Wellesley, MA (May, 24, 2016) – GiftCard Partners, Inc. has been honored with a 2016 When Work Works Award for its use of effective workplace strategies to increase business and employee success.

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A Brief Guide to Employee Advocacy

Employee advocacy can be a powerful tool in building employee trust, investing in the company, and also helping to recruit talent and spread positive word-of-mouth about your organization and its products. However, employee advocacy needs to fit your staff, your company, and your objectives for a program to have the desired affects. Here are three components to help when deciding if employee advocacy is right for your organization:

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Internal Factors Lead to Organizational Growth Issues

Organizational growth issues exist in some form at almost every company. There can often be a “chicken or the egg” mentality between two opposing factors that often lead to a scramble instead of a steady positive growth curve. Most companies blame this on external factors like funding, the market, or even a competitor move. However,
new research from Bain & Company shows that most organizational growth issues actually stem from within the organization. According to the survey of 400 executives:

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U.S. Workers and Wellness Initiatives

According to a new poll of 617 full-time workers by
Flex+Strategy Group and Work+Life Fit, about half of all U.S. workers take part in some kind of wellness initiative, while about a third of all workers participate in some kind of employer-sponsored initiative. So if half of employees are doing some kind of exercise, and a third are doing it with work, what’s everyone else up to?

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3 Tips for Effective Employee Recognition

Whether we know it or not we are living in a professional environment where there is an effective employee recognition gap. That means employees don’t feel recognized and it's an employers responsibility to work on closing that gap. According to a survey commissioned by
recognition company OGO, 82% of employed Americans feel that their superiors are not recognizing them for their contributions. That lack of recognition can take a toll, not only on morale and productivity, but ultimately the overall productivity of the employee, their team, and the organization.

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