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Shop Gift Cards

These 15 eGift Card Rewards Make Staying At Home More Enjoyable

Many individuals are adjusting to working from home these days due to the coronavirus—even for those of us who worked remotely before, it can be an adjustment to work while your family and others are at home too. 

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As E-Gift Card Purchases Increase, Risk Does Too

E-Gift Cards are great and we aren't the only ones who think so: e-gift card purchases to continue to increase every year. They fit directly into consumer’s busy life and our culture of having everything at our fingertips. E-gift cards are the picture of convenience and ease and are continually being integrated into mobile wallets and apps on cell phones. Retailers are even creating online malls for consumers to do all their shopping from the comfort of their own home.

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The Evolution of Gift Cards

It all started with paper gift certificates. These certificates were given to employees, customers, and partners for meeting goals, recognition on a job well-done, or just as a simple thank you. Gift certificates were often mailed and could take weeks to reach their recipients.

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Gift Card Insights: Gift Card Usage Grows

Over 3,300 U.S. consumers over the age of 18 were surveyed for this year’s
Consumer Insights Study from
First Data. The Consumer Insights study provides a comprehensive gift card insights on consumer usage. This year’s study shows how vital gift card programs are to a retailer’s marketing strategy. The popularity of online shopping and usage of mobile wallets have been embraced by consumers, as the desire grows for faster and more personalized shopping experiences.

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Digital Gift Card Growth in B2B: 3 Trends to Consider

The only thing constant in the B2B gift card market is that it’s constantly evolving. This can leave retailers scrambling to keep up with the flow and not get left behind. One such evolution is digital gift card growth in the B2B market. Retailers are taking a closer look at the effect this growth in digital has on the bottom line of their B2B gift card program.

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