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Shop Gift Cards

B2B Gift Cards and Vouchers, a Smart Corporate Trend

The UK Gift Card & Voucher Association recently announced that the sales of vouchers and gift cards increased by 9% last quarter (Q2-12), while the gift card/voucher industry as a whole has grown 5%.
GiftCard Partners believes so deeply in the corporate use of gift cards as employee incentives, like health  and wellness program incentives and sales incentives, employee rewards, and customer loyalty tools, that a growing percentage of our staff is focused on selling gift cards in bulk to the corporate channel. GiftCard Partners recently launched
maxchoice international vouchers, which offer great options to reward employees with vouchers that are redeemable at more than 1,000 top retailers throughout Europe and leisure and service providers throughout Europe, Asia and Australia. maxchoice brings you options that allow your corporate incentive program the flexibility of choice:

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How to Bring Wellness to Your Workplace

Loking to learn how to bring wellness to your workplace, looking for the latest corporate health trends, or how to motivate and
reward your employees?
Check our this month’s Incentive and Wellness eNewsletter for the latest tips, trends, and research for how to make your workplace more efficient and productive. The incentive and wellness landscape is ever changing.
Click here to register for our eNews, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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GCP Launches Facebook Presence

GCP has a standing presence in the corporate gift card buyer, loyalty rewards, Scrip, and retailer/merchant communities, and now we are expanding into a little less corporate attitude with our
Facebook page. Our new GiftCard Partners Facebook page offers non-corporate entities similar BULK gift card discounts that corporations have known about, and saved with, for years. Check out our Facebook post: The perfect gift for Teachers, PTAs, and PTOs … and it's no apple! Teachers, PTAs, and PTOs will love this for Teacher Appreciation Week and End of Year THANK-YOU’s. Check
GCP's Facebook page for ideas you can use to reward with gift cards, in bulk.

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It’s Time to Reward Loyal Employees

A recent Inc.om article calls NOW the time to reward employees, but they state, “If the economy gets better and job prospects improve, you may need to offer more incentives to keep your best employees”. It’s indisputable that as the economy revives, so will job opportunities to your employees and your competitors will be vicious when it comes to recruiting the best your company has to offer. Showing your staffers how much they matter is critical to TOP employee retention. GCP’s comments about how gift cards meet the 3 views of this article follow each Inc.

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Bulk Gift Card Discounts for Your “Nice” List

Gift cards continue to be the gift of choice for companies giving gifts to customers, employees, partners, and volunteers. For 5-years running, gift cards remain on the most wanted list, this year at a rate of 57.7%, says the National Retail Association (NRF). GiftCard Partners is proud to see that
Retail Gift Card Association (RGCA), the national organization for closed loop gift card retailers, who are

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A better way to buy gift cards in bulk

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