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Shop Gift Cards

Gift Cards: The Perfect Employee Holiday Gifts & Workplace Rewards

Gift cards have become a versatile and appreciated choice for holiday gifting in the workplace. They provide a hassle-free way to say thank you and can cater to diverse preferences. Here are five innovative ways to use gift cards in your workplace during the holidays, benefiting employees, customers, co-workers, and even your company's philanthropic efforts.

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Corporate Wellness Incentives & Safety Programs

Step 1: Create a safety program. Step 2: Make it successful. Still struggling with Step 2? Many strategies have been tried, from payroll bonus, discipline, performance review, to issuing penalties. But the question still remains, what works best to foster a safety culture within the workplace? The answer could be as simple as corporate wellness incentives in the form of gift cards. They are a flexible and affordable way to incent and reward for accident prevention, increasing morale and productivity, and encouraging feedback.
GiftCard Partners makes using gift cards a budget-friendly choice.
Contact us today to get the best discounted rate on volume purchases from some of America's top selling gift card brands.
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January is National Blood Donation Month – GIVE Back with Gift Cards

How to Help Employees’ Families for the Holidays

Damaging storms, tight finances as we approach the holidays, and stressful political and economic times…what can we do to ease the burdens? Although it’s not always possible to give holiday bonuses during the tough times, there are less expensive things we can do to help our employees’ families. When offering cash bonuses, it’s difficult to decide if the dollar amount hits the spot for the employee. However, a gift card for a full family meal or 2 at
Boston Market, will hit the spot. Research tells us that 61% of employees would be satisfied with a $25 gift card, and 88% of employees would be satisfied with a gift

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B2B Gift Cards and Vouchers, a Smart Corporate Trend

The UK Gift Card & Voucher Association recently announced that the sales of vouchers and gift cards increased by 9% last quarter (Q2-12), while the gift card/voucher industry as a whole has grown 5%.
GiftCard Partners believes so deeply in the corporate use of gift cards as employee incentives, like health  and wellness program incentives and sales incentives, employee rewards, and customer loyalty tools, that a growing percentage of our staff is focused on selling gift cards in bulk to the corporate channel. GiftCard Partners recently launched
maxchoice international vouchers, which offer great options to reward employees with vouchers that are redeemable at more than 1,000 top retailers throughout Europe and leisure and service providers throughout Europe, Asia and Australia. maxchoice brings you options that allow your corporate incentive program the flexibility of choice:

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