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Check out this Special Corporate Gift Card Offer and Save BIG!

Get 10% off with a minimum purchase of $1,000 in Boston Market Gift Cards between October 11th and November 11th, 2012.
GET an ADDITIONAL 5% off your order when you refer us to a qualified business* during this campaign. Simply email us today with the code: “Boston Market Discount” in the subject line. Please identify that you would like to redeem the 10% discount offer. If you refer a new business contact to us, you’ll get an extra 5% off – THAT’S A TOTAL DISCOUNT OF 15%.* It’s a busy time of year; say thank you to your employees and all your business connections, with the fast family friendly comfort food of Boston Market.
Happy Savings!

*Referral program qualification –in order to qualify for the additional 5% discount, please provide a business that offers gift cards in their corporate reward programs. (i.e. employee rewards, customer appreciation, “Thank You”, safety program). Include the business name, contact name, title, work email, work phone of the company you are referring. We will validate the referral information and then communicate ordering instructions.  

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Holiday Rewards: Going Beyond the Christmas Bonus

Although the holidays are still 3 months away now is the time to begin planning your end of year employee rewards. For many companies money is still tight, and often end of year bonuses are still not in the budget. There are still many effective ways to reward your employees at the end of the year. These rewards are the most important rewards you give all year, as they are what will motivate your workforce into 2013. Many companies give out gift cards during the holiday season, often to restaurants like the
Cheesecake Factory. These cards allow employees to enjoy a meal out with their friends and/or family, helping to ease their seasonal financial constraints. Other organizations are giving out gift cards to promote healthy living such as the
CVS/pharmacy Select card, to help employees make good on their New Year’s Resolutions. Other organizations wait until the craziness of the holidays has subsided and throw a big party for employees in January, offering a chance for employees to decompress and enjoy spending time together, outside of the office. However you choose to reward your employees this holiday season, ensure that the rewards you choose are effective in motivating and rewarding your workplace demographic. Give the employees what they want, so they can continue to use their expendable energy on reaching company goals in 2013.
For more information on how best to reward your employees this holiday season check out this article in British Marketing Week.

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The Latest in Corporate Health and Wellness Research

GCP’s CVS eNews is here! What you will find:

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Employer vs. Employee Perspectives on Employee Incentives

One of the most important challenges that employers share is undoubtedly reducing health care costs, while maintaining the perception of high healthcare value being offered to employees. But, employer and employee perspectives can be greatly skewed.

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Why Gift Cards are the Smart Choice for Employee Reward & Recognition Programs

Chicken or Steak; Obama or Romney; Comedy or Drama; Yankees or Red Sox; Gift Cards or Cash? We may not have all the answers, but according to Incentive’s “2012 Gift Card IQ” survey, gift cards trumps cash.

The use of gift cards in the incentive industry grew from 27.8 percent last year to 36.7 percent in 2012. Not only are companies using gift cards as a way to recognize or reward employees during the holiday season but the survey shows that they are increasing the frequency of which they use gift cards throughout the year and the amount spent on them. The survey seems to be holding steady states Incentive Magazines Leo Jackson, “…the best word to describe the results of Incentive’s “2012 Gift Card IQ” survey, compared to the 2011 version, is stability. By and large, this year’s results were within a couple percentage points of last year’s in virtually every category.”

It looks like gift cards are on the rise while cash rewards could become a thing of the past. Some interesting findings from the survey include:

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A better way to buy gift cards in bulk

Register today and get access to 250+ popular gift card brands, personalized customer service, and simple and secure ordering.


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