Gift Card Insights: Gift Card Usage Grows
Over 3,300 U.S. consumers over the age of 18 were surveyed for this year’s
Consumer Insights Study from
First Data. The Consumer Insights study provides a comprehensive gift card insights on consumer usage. This year’s study shows how vital gift card programs are to a retailer’s marketing strategy. The popularity of online shopping and usage of mobile wallets have been embraced by consumers, as the desire grows for faster and more personalized shopping experiences.
U.S. Workers and Wellness Initiatives
According to a new poll of 617 full-time workers by
Flex+Strategy Group and Work+Life Fit, about half of all U.S. workers take part in some kind of wellness initiative, while about a third of all workers participate in some kind of employer-sponsored initiative. So if half of employees are doing some kind of exercise, and a third are doing it with work, what’s everyone else up to?
3 Tips for Effective Employee Recognition
Whether we know it or not we are living in a professional environment where there is an effective employee recognition gap. That means employees don’t feel recognized and it's an employers responsibility to work on closing that gap. According to a survey commissioned by
recognition company OGO, 82% of employed Americans feel that their superiors are not recognizing them for their contributions. That lack of recognition can take a toll, not only on morale and productivity, but ultimately the overall productivity of the employee, their team, and the organization.
3 Facts About Employee Wellness Programs
Employee wellness programs are becoming an increasingly integral part of employee benefits plans and incentive programs. There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding if an employee wellness program is going to work for your staff, but here are three simple facts about employee wellness programs to help you begin your evaluation.
The History of National Nurses Week
Each year National Nurses Week kicks off on May 6, Nurses Day. The week commences on May 12th on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing. The theme for National Nurses Week 2016 is “Culture of Safety: It Starts With YOU”. This year's theme honors the contributions nurses make every day to the safety and collaboration in healthcare.