Using Gift Cards For Employee Travel Expenses
We recently discussed how 63 percent of companies were spending more than $100,000 annually on employee travel expenses. With more and more employers using telecommuting and teleconferencing, the need for business travel has slowed down, but not by much. Employee travel has grown by about 3 percent in recent years, while the average travel budget has stayed the same.
Free Webinar: Making Dollars & Sense Out of Wellness Incentives
On Thursday, Aug. 4, four industry experts engaged in a candid discussion about the wellness incentive market. With four out of five employers offering wellness programs with the expectation of reducing health plan costs, there is a lot of pressure on the industry. However, if wellness incentives are not well executed, the return on investment benefits for employers will not be recognized. So who can you turn to for guidance through an evolving industry? Meet the panelists:
The Future of Corporate Wellness Programs
Corporate wellness programs have been around for a while, in fact, approximately 76% of companies have implemented a corporate wellness program or resource. But like most new ideas, there comes a point where things evolve, and that time for corporate wellness programs is now. Take a look at how corporate wellness has already changed what the future holds for wellness and how it could effect to your program.
How to Motivate Your Sales Team with Gift Card Rewards
Motivating your sales team is an essential component of your organization’s overall success. A highly motivated sales team is more engaged, experiences lower levels of absenteeism, and is better equipped to acquire and maintain loyal clients. However, motivation isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach; it requires a combination of recognition and appreciation tailored to the unique preferences of each salesperson.
3 Tips for Creating a Successful Multi-Generational Workplace
As we progress into a multi-generational workplace, young employees entering the workforce for the first time are now working with and collaborating on projects with people old enough to be their parents. This creates a dynamic working relationship and an active set of workplace challenges.