4 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity This Fall
Kids have gone back to school, fall is settling in and it’s time to encourage employees through the last quarter of the year. Keeping employee morale and employee productivity up during this part of the year is important, and the easiest way to do that is to keep them healthy and support health and wellness. Here are our top 4 picks for keeping employee productivity at an annual high this fall:
How to Reward Employees without Breaking the Bank
Rewarding employees within a tight budget is a common challenge in today’s HR climate. Employees want perks and employers want to maintain employee satisfaction and loyalty without going over budget on those employee perks. Here are three ways to reward employees without breaking the bank.
Incentives Industry Breakdown 2016
The incentives industry is thriving with 84% of U.S. businesses now using non-cash rewards to recognize and motivate their key audiences. Non-cash rewards come in many forms: from award points, gift cards, incentive travel, to merchandise, and more. In 2015, businesses spent $90 billion for these rewards and sales and employees are the largest audiences targeted when it comes to these non-cash rewards.
3 Ways to Satisfy Employees
We are hearing a lot of talk in the industry about employee perks and how best to satisfy your workforce. We entered a phase of foosball tables and stocked kitchens, kegs in the office, and unlimited vacation. Perks are great, but there are some simple, concrete and conventional ways to satisfy employees for the long-term, long after the allure of beer and recreation wears off. Here are three elements to keeping your employees satisfied:
4 Ways to Keep Employees Using Benefits
Benefits are a big component to an employee compensation plan. While they are costly for employers, benefits are a huge part of how employees choose a job and how long they stay.