3 Good Ways To Donate Unused Gift Cards To Nonprofits
Donating unused gift cards is a great way to contribute to your favorite nonprofits, especially local organizations that make a difference in your community. Whether you choose to donate your personally unused cards or collect unused cards from groups like school PTOs or faith-based organizations, nonprofits can often find uses for your discarded gift cards in any quantity.
3 Quick Ways To Show Millennial Employees Appreciation
With 92 percent of companies eyeing organizational design changes to accommodate the growing millennial workforce, it's important to show these employees appreciation in a multitude of ways to keep them engaged.
How To Promote Employee Engagement And Reduce Sick Leave
Sick leave drastically affects all businesses, with the flu alone claiming $7 billion in productivity losses, according to the CDC.
Reward Your Employees With CVS Gift Cards
When your employees finish a project in record time, rewarding them with any one of three CVS gift cards may be a practical yet wise choice, especially if you don't know where they like to eat or shop.
How To Appreciate Your Generation X Employees
With employers seemingly focused on appeasing the constantly changing needs of millennials these days, Generation X employees can sometimes be overlooked in the appreciation department.