The Science of Non-Cash Rewards
Cash is the simplest way to reward someone. It’s universal, everyone needs it so you know when you provide it, it will carry meaning to the recipient. However, if you dig into the science of cash versus non-cash rewards you might see the employee rewards landscape differently.
Gift Cards as Their Own Currency
Gift cards seem like a basic concept, used in place of cash. However, gift cards have become their own currency, with their own set of trends and advantages. Here are three ways gift cards are more powerful than cash and why they could be considered their own type of currency.
Why Happy Employees May Be Your Greatest Asset
Happy employees can seem like an aspiration. We are in an employee-focused market: between extravagant office perks and rating tools like Glassdoor, employees have high expectations and are armed with information about employers before they even submit an application.
From Our Table to Yours, Happy Holidays
All of us at GiftCard Partners wish you and your loved ones a very happy holiday season and look forward to growing with you in 2018.
5 Ways to Live Healthier in the New Year
The thing on everyone's minds at the end of every year is new year's resolutions. Every January, 1 in 3 Americans resolve to live healthier that year, but within 6 months less than half of those people are still on target. Why? A common challenge is choosing a resolution that's too vague (e.g. what does "healthier" mean exactly?).