Why eGift Cards Are Perfect For Employee Engagement and Customer Loyalty
One of the most effective ways to increase employee engagement and customer loyalty is sending an eGift Card as a reward or thank you.
3 Use Cases: How Gift Card Incentives Impact Health and Wellness Programs
The cash vs. gift card debate in the reward and incentive world has a common misconception that cash is more appealing, therefore more motivating, to someone receiving it. However, studies show that gift cards are not only more intrinsically appealing, but also more effective at creating positive associations and changing behavior.
How 3 Nonprofit Organizations Have Helped Those At Risk With Gift Cards
For those in need, covering basic, everyday expenses can be a constant struggle. All nonprofit organizations and charities helping at-risk populations should place an emphasis on providing the essential items and services needed by those they assist.
Keep Employees Safe & Engaged While Returning to The Office During COVID-19
As states begin to open back up after COVID-19 shut-downs, employees are gradually returning back to work in offices. For many, this transition may be unsettling.
Test Your Knowledge on Wellness Program Incentives
The goals of many wellness programs are to reduce healthcare costs, lower health risks, reduce absenteeism, and encourage healthy habits that last.