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9 Tips for Health Benefits Enrollment Season

Since employers typically renew health benefits in January, employees receive their health benefits options for 2012 around now, giving employees plenty of time to think about what they want in their health benefits plan for the coming year.  As expected employees will be facing changes, most of which include paying more and receiving less coverage.  While employers engage employees in healthy practices with rewards for healthy behaviors through health and wellness programs, health coverage still comes at a high cost, and is often an easily downsized benefit. Here are 9 tips from
GoLocal Prov in Providence, Rhode Island on how to make smart choices when choosing health benefits.

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How Project Thankful will Support the Double Shopping Phenomenon

Over the last few years, in reaction to the US recession settling in; shoppers have doubled-up their holiday purchases in order to stretch the family dollar beyond the holiday deals. “Shoppers say they intend to spend $130.43, on average, on sales of clothes, electronics, home goods and other items for themselves or their families, up 16 percent from last year’s $112.20”, according to the National Retail Federation’s 2011 Holiday Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey. In the coming weeks, CVS/pharmacy and GiftCard Partners will launch a B2B promotion in that exact vein. The campaign is directly tied to employers’ holiday giving to employees, allowing employers to save money and GIVE MORE. At a store like CVS, gift card recipients can cash in on holiday deals to purchase every-day items for themselves and their families in addition to their holiday shopping. Visit
Holiday Shoppers Want Deals for Themselves to learn more about this consumer trend, and GCP will deliver more in early November to help employers save while giving more to their employees for the holidays. Source: Chicago Sun-Times

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5 Holiday Marketing Tips

Retail competition definitely intensifies during the holiday season, so it is important to make sure your business' holiday strategy stands out.  Here are 5 quick tips from "Practical Ecommerce" to keep your strategy fresh this year.

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You may not have to break the bank to reward your employees this year

A new MarketWatch survey release this week indicates that employees don't need much to feel rewarded during this holiday season.

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The Home Depot’s Gift Card Strategy Advice

It’s holiday corporate gift giving season and gift card promotion time, but some retailers aren’t losing track of their long term goals and strategies. Forbes.com presents The Home Depot’s advice to retailers and merchants on developing their gift card strategy, including their placement in B2B programs like corporate incentive programs, the importance of personalization, promoting eGift Cards, mobile and social channels, and more. GiftCard Partners is always proud to bring you examples of who is doing B2B gift cards right! Read on to discover
The Home Depot’s best in breed advice for gift card strategies. Source: Forbes.com MarketShare

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