Wellness Program Now Popular for Small Businesses
Since health and wellness programs have shown impressive results in reducing employers' health benefit costs, small businesses have prioritized space in their budgets for health and wellness programs. A new Towers Watson/National Business Group survey has shown that "high performing firms" engaged in health and wellness programs have reduced their cost growth to 1% per year. The same survey also revealed that employees pay 20% less on average for health benefits at "high performing firms" than at "low performing firms" with no health and wellness programs. The return on investment of implementing these programs in companies of any size had proven consistent return on investment for both parties. As employers control health care costs; employees improve their health and engage in group programs and recieve rewards, such as small denomination gift cards, or preloaded debit cards. How does your small business use health and wellness programs?
For more information on small business use and benefits of health and wellness programs check out this Insurance News article.
NPR's: New Jersey Law Causes Companies To Pull Gift Cards by Joel Rose
American Express has taken a landmark step in their fight to oppose the New Jersey law that would allow the state to claim unused gift card balances after two years. A recent National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast discussed Amex’s gift card product pull from shelves, and also noted Blackhawk’s threat to pull their 3
rd party gift and prepaid cards. InComm, the other major 3rd party gift card play is also planning to follow suit.
Listen to NPR's Morning Edition interview.
Industry Giants Combine for Contactless Payments during London 2012 Olympics
Longtime Olympic sponsor Visa, and cell phone giant Samsung have combined forces to launch a mobile app that will allow for patrons at the 2012 London Olympics to pay for purchases with a wave of their hand. The Visa payWave technology uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to allow consumers to pay with a wave of their mobile phone, with an approved smartphone at a specially designed mobile payment terminal. Although the technology is limited to consumers who have the approved device, this technology is believed to take less time at POS than any credit card, debit card, or cash transaction. Additionally, statistics from credit card comapnies show that consumers tend to spend more per transaction at mobile payment terminals. This technology, if it catches on from the global exposure at the 2012 Summer Games, could revolutionize payment systems. Imagine being able to redeem a gift card with a wave of your hand, instead of waiting in line to redeem your gift. The time efficiency and convenience of payment could revolutionize payments, as well as change the way consumers handle their smartphones. Phones could turn into a consumer’s, phone, computer, wallet, and bank all tucked safely into their pocket.
How do you see Contactless Payment affecting credit, debit, and gift card use going forward? For more information check out this Point of Sale News article.
The History of Prepaid Infographic
Thank you to the Prepaid Expo for bringing us this interesting infographic, which was commissioned by CoreCard®. The History of Prepaid Infographic highlights the progression of Prepaid, starting in the 1970’s and heading into predictions for 2013. The future of prepaid is not just about spending and consumerism; prepaid will thrive in government and healthcare sectors via benefit payment programs.