Measuring Employee Engagement: 5 Simple Steps
Employee engagement is a critical factor in driving organizational success. When employees are engaged, they are more productive, committed, and aligned with the company's goals. However, measuring employee engagement can be challenging. It's essential to ensure that the time and resources invested in engagement initiatives yield tangible results. Here’s how you can measure employee engagement effectively:
Gamifying Employee Health Goals: Boosting Workplace Wellness with Social Gaming
Social Gaming Towards Health
As pressure increases on employers and health insurance companies to reduce costs by improving participants’ health, innovative approaches are emerging. One such approach is the use of health gamification in the workplace. By leveraging virtual reality games and inter-organizational competition with real rewards, companies can motivate employees to reach their health goals. These gaming portals, ranging from basic health tracking to social, team-based competition applications, offer rewards for hitting milestones. The rewards can vary from small denomination gift cards to larger prizes like vacations upon reaching significant wellness goals.
Avoid Employee Burnout and Professional Resentment
Loyalty Programs: Rewards Points vs. The Big Picture
Loyalty360 brings us an interesting concept that loyalty programs are often misconstrued as the final parts of what should be considered the small pieces of their make-up, the points, rewards, and deals. In
Changing Times by Phil Rubin, CEO of rDialgoue speaks with us about what’s really important in loyalty: the building of one-on-one relationships with customers. Most retailers and merchants think of points as so central to their customer loyalty, yet Amazon doesn’t have a standard points program, yet they have one of the most loyal customers in the industry.
How does Amazon do it? And, what can you learn from brands that go beyond points and rewards to engender loyalty and trust? Check out loyalty360’s article
Changing Times and their 360 podcast.