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Employee Safety Starts at the Top

Employees safety doesn’t necessarily mean  "creating a culture of safety." One way to look at safety is to make it a part of the fabric of your organization and part of the culture, and the way to achieve that is to start at the top.  Key values of executive management trickle down to the workforce without it seeming like management is trying to will the workforce in a certain direction. Making employee safety a value of management, and supporting that with a cultivation of that value among employees, is the way to go.

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The Importance of Workplace Wellness

Workplace wellness is increasing in popularity, especially after the latest rules set by ObamaCare now further incentivize companies to implement workplace wellness programs for employees. However, if proven effectiveness and governmental pressure aren't enough for your organization to implement a workplace wellness program, did you ever think what it does for your employees? Think about the human factor:

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2013 IMA Summit, Gamification is HOT in Rewards and Recognition

The GiftCard Partners team is in Denver, Colorado this week to attend the
2013 Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) Summit. GCP joins a large number of other companies that are also part of the IMA, and make up this $46 billion incentive industry. We’re excited to meet, share and learn about the latest in this booming field over the course of the next few days. One of the many sessions the IMA will be holding is
Game Mechanics and the Future of Reward and Recognition Programs. The team is excited to learn more about Gamification and how this popular tool in reward and recognition programs has taken off and what the future holds for it in modern business. As it stands now, according to a recent IRF poll, more than 60% of recognition program owners have started implementing gamification. The session will highlight:

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Why High Employee Engagement Works for You

It is well established that highly engaged employees work harder and stay happier in their jobs longer. A
new study from Gallup further proves that employee engagement actual drives up productivity and satisfaction to the point where engaging employees is affecting organizations' bottom lines. The study reveals that companies who don't make employee engagement a strategic priority can hurt their revenue because their employees are absent more, their turnover rate is higher, and when employees are at work they simply don't get as much done. Here are some quick facts from Gallup:

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How Fast Will Mobile Payments Really Grow?

Mobile payments are going to reach $1 billion in transactions by the end of 2013. That sounds like great growth and revenue, until you find out that in October 2012 mobile payments were expected to reach $20 billion by 2015, and are now on track to reach that milestone in 2016. A fragmented market, and many dependent and critical keys to success have stifled the mobile payments market. Hardware and infrastructure impediments, combined with competing technologies like mobile wallet solutions have slowed merchant and consumer adoption to mobile payments.
What do you use mobile payments for? Have you used your mobile POS for more than the morning cup of joe? Most consumers use mobile payment technology for small purchases only, and are slow to transition larger purchases to mobile. This is an indicator that many merchants and consumers are also hesitant to use eGift Cards, and make the necessary POS upgrades to even be able to process them. Have you ever give an eGift? These numbers tend to suggest that employers and gifters across the board would be hesitant to give an eGift given limited market adoption. The market indicators are inconsistent for mobile payments, there is growth but possibly not to the rate originally forecast. What do you think about mobile payments?
See the eMarketer Mobile Payments Forceast for 2011-2017, and
check out this article from eMarketer on further impediments affecting the mobile payments market adoption.

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