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Incentivizing Employee Wellness with CVS® Gift Cards

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Healthy employees mean a healthy bottom line. They are more productive, engaged, and satisfied with their jobs. This article explores the benefits of incentivizing employee wellness and provides actionable strategies to integrate these practices into the workplace.  

The Importance of Employee Wellness  

Employee wellness is a critical component of organizational success. When employees feel physically and mentally healthy, they are more likely to perform at their best, reducing absenteeism and increasing overall productivity. Understanding the significance of employee wellness can help businesses create more supportive and effective wellness programs.  

Improved Productivity: Healthy employees are more energetic and focused, which leads to higher productivity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost employers $225.8 billion annually in the United States.  

Reduced Healthcare Costs: Promoting wellness can lead to lower healthcare costs for both employees and employers. A study by the American Journal of Health Promotion found that medical costs fall by about $3.27 for every dollar spent on wellness programs.  

Enhanced Employee Engagement: Wellness programs can significantly boost employee engagement. Gallup research shows that engaged employees are 21% more productive than their less engaged counterparts.  

Investing in employee wellness pays off in multiple ways, from enhanced productivity to reduced healthcare costs and improved engagement. By prioritizing wellness, businesses can create a more supportive and productive work environment.  

Incentivizing Wellness with CVS® Gift Cards  

Have you considered incorporating employee wellness incentives? CVS Gift Cards offer a versatile and appreciated reward that can motivate employees to take part in health-related activities. Here’s how you can leverage CVS Gift Cards to boost your wellness initiatives.  

Accessibility and Convenience: CVS stores are widely accessible, making it easy for employees to use their gift cards. Whether they need medications, health-related products, or everyday essentials, CVS has it covered.  

Encouraging Healthy Choices: CVS Gift Cards can be used to purchase wellness products, encouraging employees to make healthier choices. From vitamins and supplements to fitness equipment, employees have a variety of options to support their health goals.  

Cost-Effective Incentive: The Engage2Reward™ Gift Card Ordering Platform allows businesses to efficiently manage and distribute CVS Gift Cards, streamlining the process and ensuring a hassle-free experience for both employers and employees.  

Incorporating CVS Gift Cards into your wellness program is a practical and impactful way to integrate employee wellness incentives. With their broad usability and convenience, CVS Gift Cards are an excellent tool for promoting wellness in the workplace.  


Creating a Wellness-Focused Work Culture  

A wellness-focused work culture goes beyond offering incentives; it involves creating an environment where health and well-being are prioritized and supported. Here are some strategies to cultivate such a culture within your organization, with CVS Gift Cards playing a supporting role.  

Flexible Work Schedules: Offering flexible work schedules can reduce stress and improve work-life balance. According to a study by the Harvard Business Review, companies that offer flexible working arrangements see a 55% increase in productivity. CVS Gift Cards can be used to reward employees who maintain high productivity while taking advantage of flexible schedules.  

Onsite Health Activities: Providing onsite wellness activities, such as yoga classes, fitness challenges, or mental health workshops, can make it easier for employees to engage in healthy behaviors. Rewarding participation in these activities with CVS Gift Cards can further motivate employees.  

Mental Health Support: Ensuring that employees have access to mental health resources is crucial. Offering employee assistance programs (EAPs) and promoting a stigma-free environment for mental health discussions can lead to a more supportive workplace. CVS Gift Cards can be used as incentives for employees who actively engage in mental health programs or seek support when needed.  

Building a wellness-focused work culture requires a comprehensive approach that addresses various aspects of employee health. By implementing and incentivizing flexible schedules, onsite activities, and mental health support, businesses can create a more positive and healthy work environment.  

Measuring the Impact of Wellness Programs  

To ensure the effectiveness of your wellness programs, it's essential to measure their impact. Tracking key metrics can help you understand what’s working and where improvements are needed. Here are some ways to measure the success of your wellness initiatives. 

Participation Rates: Monitoring the number of employees participating in wellness programs can provide insights into their popularity and engagement levels. Offering CVS Gift Cards as rewards for participation can help increase these rates.  

Health Outcomes: Collecting data on health outcomes, such as reductions in absenteeism, healthcare claims, and improvements in biometric screenings, can help gauge the effectiveness of your wellness efforts.  

Employee Feedback: Regularly soliciting feedback from employees about the wellness programs can provide valuable insights into their experiences and suggestions for improvement. Surveys and focus groups are effective tools for gathering this information, and offering CVS Gift Cards as a thank you for participating can increase response rates.  

Actionable Steps to Integrate Wellness Programs  

Integrating wellness programs into your company culture requires careful planning and execution. Here are some actionable steps to help you successfully implement these programs and encourage employee participation, with the support of CVS Gift Cards 

Assess Employee Needs: Start by conducting a needs assessment to understand what types of wellness programs will be most beneficial for your employees. This can involve surveys, focus groups, or analyzing health data. Offering CVS Gift Cards for participation in these assessments encourages more comprehensive feedback.  

Set Clear Goals: Define clear, measurable goals for your wellness programs. Whether it's reducing absenteeism, improving employee satisfaction, or lowering healthcare costs, having specific objectives will guide your efforts and help measure success. Be sure to reward employees who contribute toward these goals. 

Communicate and Promote: Effectively communicate the benefits of your wellness programs to employees. Use emails, newsletters, and websites to promote participation and keep employees informed about available resources and incentives.  

Integrating wellness programs into your company culture requires a strategic approach. By assessing employee needs, setting clear goals, and effectively communicating the benefits, and by using CVS Gift Cards to incentivize participation, you can create successful wellness initiatives that promote health and happiness among your workforce.  



Promoting employee wellness is a strategic investment that can lead to numerous benefits for both employees and employers. By incorporating employee wellness incentives such as CVS Gift Cards as part of your incentive strategy through the Engage2Reward Platform, you can encourage healthy behaviors and enhance your wellness programs. Coupled with a supportive work culture and effective measurement techniques, these initiatives can significantly improve employee well-being and organizational success.  

Take the next step today by exploring CVS Gift Cards and start fostering a healthier, happier workforce.  




Baicker, K., Cutler, D., & Song, Z. (2010). Workplace wellness programs can generate savings. Health affairs (Project Hope), 29(2), 304–311. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2009.0626  

Gallup. (2018, June 21). The right culture: Not just employee satisfaction. Gallup. https://www.gallup.com/workplace/236366/right-culture-not-employee-satisfaction.aspx  

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016, October 23). Workplace health promotion: Evaluation - Productivity. CDC. https://www.cdc.gov/workplacehealthpromotion/model/evaluation/productivity.html 

Topics: CVS/pharmacy, Workplace Health & Wellness, General Health & Wellness, Employee Gifts, Health Incentives, Employee Retention, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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