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Shop Gift Cards

GiftCard Partners

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GiftCard Partners provides customized B2B gift card services for merchants and retailers in the payment industry. Leading national brands rely on GiftCard Partners to meet their need for access to new distribution channels and increase top-line revenue. We sell and market our clients’ gift cards, helping companies select the right reward for the right program. Gift cards are used to engage people in employee recognition, customer rewards and loyalty programs, safety incentive programs, health and wellness programs, and motivation and sales incentive programs.
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Recent Posts

Gift Cards – The Best Incentive for Workplace Safety Programs

It’s undisputable that gift cards are the workplace incentive of choice. Here are the answers to a few questions we are hearing around using gift cards as incentives or rewards for workplace safety programs.

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Are Workplace Wellness Programs Fostering Healthier Employees?

It’s un-debatable that more employers than ever are starting health and wellness initiatives since the inception of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). There are tax benefits for employers who offer health and wellness programs and we’ve seen lots of studies about how incentives like gift cards for success compliment these programs by driving interest, engaging participants, while boosting benefits packages and lowering health care costs.

But, the most important (and complex) question: Are employers really building healthier minds and bodies, while also increasing productivity? What about for the long term? A recent survey of more than 30,000 Ceridian LifeWorks participants presents us with a “YES!!”, via these results1:

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What Problems do Gift Cards Solve as Incentives in an Organization?

An increasingly diverse and remote workforce brings many challenges to management teams when strategizing and coordinating their employee incentive programs. Employers can immediately show their recognition of workplace diversity and appreciation for individualism when they allow their employees to redeem with their own choice via gift cards and virtual gift cards.

Why are Gift Cards the Incentive of Choice? from IGCC rounds it up well: “gift cards empower the recipient with the right to choose the item that most motivates himself or herself”.  Ceridian states that 8 out of 10 employees prefer gift cards over other incentives. This preference rewards for hard work they’ve done and motivates them to keep it up. The simplicity of gift cards has also helped management deliver programs quicker and with relevance to the participants. There is a significant time savings in the decision making process…..another important cost savings benefit of gift cards. Check out GCP's new website: www.giftcardpartners.com Subscribe to our eNews:

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Saying Sorry with Gift Cards Instead of Thank You

This is a great example of using gift cards to smooth over a customer service nightmare . Approximately 8,000 Hawaiian Electric Co. customers went without power earlier this month. HECO will soon issue $50 gift cards and formal letters of apology to many of their customers who went without power for an extended period of time. Many companies say “Thank you” to their customers with gift cards via loyalty and rewards programs. Will saying “Sorry” with gift cards keep customers loyal? Let us know what you think by leaving a comment. Read the full story:

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Interesting rewards program - American Red Cross: points for blood

For the fourth year in a row, the Red Cross enters a new season of Red Cross Racing: an online blood donor rewards program designed to reward loyal donors and encourage participation in the program.

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A better way to buy gift cards in bulk

Register today and get access to 250+ popular gift card brands, personalized customer service, and simple and secure ordering.


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