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Shop Gift Cards

GiftCard Partners

Author image of GiftCard Partners
GiftCard Partners provides customized B2B gift card services for merchants and retailers in the payment industry. Leading national brands rely on GiftCard Partners to meet their need for access to new distribution channels and increase top-line revenue. We sell and market our clients’ gift cards, helping companies select the right reward for the right program. Gift cards are used to engage people in employee recognition, customer rewards and loyalty programs, safety incentive programs, health and wellness programs, and motivation and sales incentive programs.
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Recent Posts

How the Hospitality Industry AND Retailers are Capturing Loyal Vacationers

As the economy continues to improve, I for one am thinking about how and where to vacation this summer. On a personal level, I know I will grab up deals with extra gift card dollars wherever I can find them. And with professional interest, Harris Interactive’s recent survey (on behalf of Choice Hotels) seems like really great timing for the loyalty rewards market. The survey reports that out of  the 2,100 U.S adults that were surveyed, over 87% of Americans plan to travel for leisure this summer, and they report that if they had an extra $50 to spend on their vacation, they'd be most likely to spend it on:

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GCP Launches Facebook Presence

GCP has a standing presence in the corporate gift card buyer, loyalty rewards, Scrip, and retailer/merchant communities, and now we are expanding into a little less corporate attitude with our
Facebook page. Our new GiftCard Partners Facebook page offers non-corporate entities similar BULK gift card discounts that corporations have known about, and saved with, for years. Check out our Facebook post: The perfect gift for Teachers, PTAs, and PTOs … and it's no apple! Teachers, PTAs, and PTOs will love this for Teacher Appreciation Week and End of Year THANK-YOU’s. Check
GCP's Facebook page for ideas you can use to reward with gift cards, in bulk.

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Take the Improv Out of Improving Your Incentives

GCP’s April eNews is here! What you will find:

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Loyalty Programs: Rewards Points vs. The Big Picture

Loyalty360 brings us an interesting concept that loyalty programs are often misconstrued as the final parts of what should be considered the small pieces of their make-up, the points, rewards, and deals. In
Changing Times by Phil Rubin, CEO of rDialgoue speaks with us about what’s really important in loyalty: the building of one-on-one relationships with customers. Most retailers and merchants think of points as so central to their customer loyalty, yet Amazon doesn’t have a standard points program, yet they have one of the most loyal customers in the industry.
How does Amazon do it? And, what can you learn from brands that go beyond points and rewards to engender loyalty and trust? Check out loyalty360’s article
Changing Times and their 360 podcast.

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Roadmap for Improving the Health of Employees and the Organization

As GCP continues to expand our portfolio of gift cards we offer to corporate health and wellness incentive programs; we are always happy to provide you with information that helps pave your way to a healthier and more productive workforce. The Change Agent Work Group published a comprehensive paper (a whopping 75 pages) called Employer Health Asset Management: A Roadmap for Improving the Health of Your Employees and Your Organization, which offers decision makers some great tools to meet the challenges of reducing healthcare costs for their organization. It includes rationale to:

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