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GiftCard Partners

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GiftCard Partners provides customized B2B gift card services for merchants and retailers in the payment industry. Leading national brands rely on GiftCard Partners to meet their need for access to new distribution channels and increase top-line revenue. We sell and market our clients’ gift cards, helping companies select the right reward for the right program. Gift cards are used to engage people in employee recognition, customer rewards and loyalty programs, safety incentive programs, health and wellness programs, and motivation and sales incentive programs.
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Recent Posts

The Visa® Reward Card - Elevating Wellness, Performance, and Social Impact in Q3 2024

What if your wellness program could do more than boost your employees' health and morale? What if it had the power to change lives, both within your organization and in the communities you serve? As we stand on the threshold of the third quarter of 2024, business owners and leaders, like you, are presented with a remarkable opportunity to breathe new life into their employee wellness initiatives. But this isn't just about routine well-being efforts; it's about harnessing innovative tools, like the Visa Reward Card, to drive a positive transformation that goes beyond the office walls.

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The Visa® Reward Card - Nurturing a Culture of Corporate Health & Wellness

In today's rapidly evolving work landscape, organizations are increasingly recognizing the profound connection between employee wellness and their own success. A workplace culture that prioritizes the holistic well-being of its employees reaps tangible rewards. Physically, mentally, and emotionally well employees are not only more engaged and productive but also exhibit greater resilience in the face of challenges. This translates into enhanced team collaboration, reduced absenteeism, and an overall boost in job satisfaction. In this article, we'll explore how the Visa® Reward Card can serve as a powerful tool to not only acknowledge and incentivize healthy behaviors but also inspire lasting, positive changes.

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Building a Culture of Appreciation with CVS® Gift Cards

Building a culture of appreciation in a company is important. It improves employee loyalty and motivation in addition to helping maintain their personal happiness and well-being. Despite the benefits of recognition plans, a recent Gallup and Workhuman study found that only 34% of employees reported having a recognition plan in their workplace.

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Top 10 Employee Recognition Ideas for the New Year

We often end the year thinking about employee recognition, filled with employee gifting, awards programs and peer-driven recognition opportunities. However, it’s just as important to be thinking about employee recognition to start the year as it is in December. So, for 2024, start your new year off right with our top 10 employee recognition ideas. Discover creative ways to show appreciation, boost morale and foster a culture of recognition within your organization all year round. 

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Improving Employee Satisfaction: Gift Cards in Business

Employee satisfaction is the baseline metric for creating a workplace that employees are loyal to and excited to come to work for each day. According to a recent Pew Research study, only about half of American workers claim to be extremely or very satisfied with their jobs. Boosting satisfaction helps employers drive productivity in the workplace and employee retention over the long term. Keep reading to learn how gift card rewards can improve employee satisfaction by driving motivation, boosting engagement and maintaining job satisfaction amongst employees. 

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