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Shop Gift Cards

Deborah Merkin

Author image of Deborah Merkin
Deborah Merkin, CEO and Founder of GiftCard Partners™, Inc. and Engage2Reward™ LLC, brings two decades of experience to the forefront of the gift card industry. Armed with a BS from University of Massachusetts Amherst and an MBA from Babson College, Deborah's career spans technology startups and corporate giants, including AT&T Capital and Staples. A pioneer in establishing and shaping lucrative new distribution channels, Deborah’s expertise grew through consultancy roles with Linens’N Things and CVS®. This journey marked her entrance into the gift card and incentives industry and ultimately laid the foundation for the conception of GiftCard Partners. A Certified Women Owned Business, GiftCard Partners was founded in 2005 and has received the prestigious Best and Brightest Company to Work For® Award for 10 years nationally. With a focus on assertiveness and balanced steadiness, Deborah continues to drive innovation and growth in the dynamic world of gift cards. Beyond her professional success, Deborah is deeply involved in community service, recently joining the board of JBBBS.org and previously serving on the board of JFSMW.org for 5 years.
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Boston Market Rebranding & #LogOutLookUp

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Papa John's Ingredients: Getting Even Better

 When it comes to Papa John’s ingredients, their well-known slogan has said it all, “Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. Papa John’s”. Now, the CEO and founder, John Schnatter, is looking to give that mantra a fresh new meaning as the company plans to launch a new campaign to further improve the quality of their ingredients by removing even more artificial ingredients from their pizza. The first step to this commitment is to give customers an illustration of which unwanted ingredients are currently being used, which are not used, and what will be removed by 2016. Papa John’s created a new web page in order to keep customers updated. The web page also compares Papa John’s ingredient scorecard with two industry leaders in removing artificial ingredients, Chipotle and Panera. By the end of the year, Papa John’s ingredients are expected to be on par with Chipotle, which has one of the cleanest labels. The company also plans on issuing a statement about not using artificial colors by the same deadline.
Papa John’s is no stranger to using quality, real ingredients in their pizza. Back in 1996, Schnatter specified to a sausage and beef plant that he did not want artificial ingredients or unsavory animal parts in his product. Though told the price of these quality ingredients were more, Schnatter said he was unwilling to compromise.

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New Gift Card Cash Back Law in Texas

Effective September 1st, a new gift card cash back law will go into effect in the state of Texas.

Texans will be allowed to receive cash back on gift cards or gift certificates that have a balance of less than $2.50 starting September 1, 2015. In order to receive the remaining amount on the gift card, the transaction must take place in person. The law will not apply to prepaid calling cards, cards issued as part of a loyalty or rewards program, gift cards issued as a refund for returned merchandise (store credit), cards issued by a bank or an airline, and cards initially worth $5 that cannot have any value added to them. Republican State Representative and former business owner, Dwayne Bohac, was the law’s author and "...penned the bill to strike a balance between the rights of consumers and retailers."

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