Deborah Merkin
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Gifting Digital Rewards to Employees This Holiday Season
As we approach the holiday season, the traditional office party is no longer the primary way to celebrate and thank employees. Many companies are opting for more flexible, digital solutions to recognize employee contributions, particularly in the era of remote work and distributed teams. With budgets often tightened and in-office camaraderie difficult to replicate, digital rewards—especially eGift cards—are emerging as the go-to solution for end-of-year employee appreciation.
Why You Need To Adapt Your Employee Wellness Program for Digital Health
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has changed almost everything about how we live and in some respects, how we keep ourselves healthy. As a result, employee wellness programs also must adjust to the current times to account for shifts in employees’ habits, including their work/life dynamics, as 62% of U.S. employees continue to work from home due to the pandemic (according to talentlyft).
What a Pandemic has Revealed About Employee Engagement
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect how Americans live and work, we have been in “pandemic times” for long enough to recognize patterns about how employees stay engaged with their employers and what companies can do to maintain employee engagement.
Flu Vaccine Gift Cards for Medicare & Medicaid Members
We’re on the precipice of what is being called a “twindemic,” the possibility that we’ll be managing both the spread of influenza and a new wave of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Such a scenario has the potential to put patients at higher risk for infection, as well as put hospitals at risk for becoming overwhelmed.
Avoid A Twindemic—Prepare Your Employees for Flu Season with Gift Card Incentives
While there's no vaccine for COVID-19, there is one for influenza. With the possibility of a new surge of COVID-19 in the fall and winter, health experts and officials are encouraging early flu shots to avoid what has been dubbed a "twindemic"—a severe flu season combined with a new wave of COVID-19.