Incentives have a major place in wellness
Representatives from Groupon, Fandango, SUBWAY®, SpaFinder Wellness and Hallmark Business Connections talked about the continued and increasing focus on the trillion dollar, yes trillion with a 't', health & wellness market. Workplace wellness is a billion dollar piece of that health & wellness pie and as employers are looking for new and more importantly effective ways to change behavior incentives take a place in the forefront of that effort.
Digital, digital, digital
A number of factors come into play when talking about a rise in online and digital technologies. For one, millennials make up a large chunk of the workforce and you can't say millennials without talking about technology. Mobile is another huge factor. At the Incentive Gift Card Council Membership Meeting, Globoforce revealed that there are now more smart phones in the world than people. And the people with those smart phones want the option to receive, give or redeem rewards with a tap of the screen.
B2B Gift Cards Trends
If you can't tell from our name we are a little partial to gift cards and that market is constantly changing and growing. This is why we commissioned Shapiro+Raj to revisit the U.S. Survey on Gift Card Use & Redemption we ran in 2013. At our session, 2015 US B2B Gift Card Redemption Trends, Matthew Smith from Shapiro+Raj touched on the key findings from this national survey. We wanted to further understand the effect B2B gift cards have in B2B channels, which included,
- Gift card receipt and redemption
- Incremental sales
- Acquiring new customers
- Customer acquisition
- The lift produced through redemption
- The state of Third Party
- & more...
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