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3 Questions to Audit Your Sales Incentive Program

Posted, by Deborah Merkin
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Sales incentive programs can be a great way to boost your sales team's morale and ensure your organization is hitting its revenue goals. Sales incentive programs can also be a waste of resources if they become stagnant and do not accomplish their goals. Sales incentive programs are most effective when they are in a constant state of flux, keeping salespeople guessing and more satisfied with constantly changing incentive options. Here are 3 questions to help you audit your sales incentive program to keep it on track and effective.

  1. Are there any dealers or territories that are underperforming the average? If you have territories that are consistently underperforming and there is a sales incentive program in place, it is time to switch things up. Providing flexible rewards like gift cards allow employees to change brands (and end rewards) while maintaining a stable cost to the organization.
  2. Are you meeting your business goals with your current program? Essentially, is your program reaching its goals? If not, it's time to make adjustments. If your incentives are not workings its time to change the incentive, or the structure of the program. Making incentives either more difficult or easier to attain changes the rhythm of the program which can create the refreshment your sales team needs.
  3. Have you had to accept underwhelming results because you lack the flexibility to make changes to your current program? Change isn't scary. It isn't disruptive. Change should be welcomed and utilized as a tool to optimize performance. Don't accept less than your organization standards, use change to your advantage.

For more information on how to optimize your sales incentive program check out this article from Loyalty360. 

Topics: Employee Recognition, Gift Card Incentives & Rewards, General Gift Card, Employee Incentives & Rewards

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